Chapter 15

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After two hours in Jake's surgery, Karev and I got rid of most of the sarcoma, I'll be doing some tests to determine if there's any more.

"So I'm going to the ER if help is needed, I'm glad we're good now, since our first encounter." I say while we both scrub out, me drying my hands.

"Did you know Paul?" He abruptly asks, stopping me from opening the door.

"What?" The question took me by surprise.

"Paul, Jo's ex-husband." He asks again.

"No I didn't know she was married until she told me about you." I asked now confused. He scoffs,


"Yeah, why? Did something happen?" I ask.

"Never mind, she should tell you." Alex dries his hands.

"I'm sorry, I thought you knew..." he sighed.

"so do you know your way to the ER?" I bite my bottom lip.

"Come on, I have to go there myself as well. Hopefully this wind calms down." He suggests.

As we were walking down the OR floor, he comments, "Grey came to complain about you, because you threw away her plan, don't tell her I agreed with yours."

We stop at the elevator, Karev pressing the 'down' button. .

He presses again. I press my ear on the elevator door,

"It's not moving, do you think it's stuck?" I suggest, he shakes his head,

"There could be patient's in there. Has it been like this for hours?" He asks a nurse at the desk.

"Dr Avery has been trying to make the doors open by talking the electrician operator."

I press both buttons multiple times to if I can hear it move,

"Hey, I'm gonna use the stairs to get a hold on Avery, could you stay here if anyone in that elevator needs help? If there's any consults in the Pit I'll page you." He tells me quickly.

"Yeah, you go. I'll be here." He rushes off, I look up at the elevator, putting my hands on my hips. I bang on the door if anyone is there. No response,

"I could really use some food." I tell myself.


"Avery what's up with these elevators?" I come over behind him. I see him wanting to open the elevator door with Qadri.

"Karev, about time. Where were you?" He turns around.

"I was busy in a kid's surgery, but I'm here now, what's the deal?" Qadri speaks up, "We're trying to open these elevators, with random things."

"I can see that, but I meant why haven't the electrician done anything."  A few moments later, I see the electrician come around the corner.


Both of my hands are currently pressing on a man's chest tube incision, I feel blood dripping down my arm.

"Amelia you're bleeding." Owen states, I look at my right arm, just below the shoulder blade. A slight graze,

"I'm fine, let's just worry about the patient." I look both at Teddy and Owen.

"The tube should be done draining my now, where the hell is this blood coming from?" Teddy searches around the patient bed.

All of us look up when the elevator dings,

"Thank god..." I mutter and door opens. The first thing, or person I see is Barrera, wide eyed.

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