Chapter 5

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My phone buzzes and I see what it is... Crap! I forgot about Leo... I'm sure Betty's at the house because she took the bus.

Owen: Hey no need to pick Leo up I'm taking him home w/ me, thanks

Me: I totally didn't forget but thx for letting me know.

"Hey um guys I have to go check on Betty" I say. Meredith looks at me and says "Yea of course." I get my stuff and open the door-


I'm on my way to the ER for some burn victim. I got no where else to go, and I wasn't in the mood to go home alone so might as well do some hours here.

I pass by Deluca, "Deluca you're with me and get a trauma gown."

Deluca quickly finishes signing some chart and arrives.

"Danielle Meyers,35, multiple 2nd degree burns and both legs. Vitals are stable for now and 30 weeks pregnant, couldn't find the baby's heartbeat on the way" the paramedic says while we unloaded her.

"What happened to her?" I ask...

"Some guy spilled gasoline on the road while he was smoking and she was passing by and well this happened" he says.

"Alright get her to Trauma room 3 and page your sister Deluca! I'll be right there." I say and think about that time Edwards was in the building that exploded a year ago.

"So for now I'll put on saline on the gashes but they're pretty bad" Deluca says as I enter the room. "Mrs. Meyers you're at Grey + Sloan, I'm Dr Avery and your have burns on both of your legs. Is your husband on his way?" I say calmly.


"I...I- i don't have anyone .... my parents died and well see I work too many shifts and got carried away....." I hear when I walk into Trauma Room 3.

"Someone paged me?" I ask and see awful burns and her belly. "Yes, we need to know if the baby's in the distress." Avery says. Bellissimo occhi . I nod.

"Alright, get the fetal monitor Andrea" I say to my brother as I flip my hair to other side.

"Non siamo in Italia Carina" he says annoyingly. Well it is his name. Anyway I get the fetal monitor and look for the baby's heart beat... for seconds I can't feel anything.

"Why...why won't she say anything?! Is my baby dead?" The patient asks.

"Dr Avery I need you to stop what you're doing, the dressing can wait-everybody needs to be quiet! I can't see a-." I say clearly but before I can finish I feel the beat. "- ho un battito cardiaco! Sorry....There's a heart beat" I say relieved.

"Am I in labor?" The patient asks? "Luckily you aren't, there's not need for delivery." I tell her. I get rid of my gloves, "Page me if she gets contractions." I say to either Avery or my brother.

I get out of the room and walk into an on-call room. For a while I can't sleep and look at my phone that says 11:54 pm. For while I can't seem to sleep and think if Arizona is happy with her daughter in New York.

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