Chapter 14

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*Some POVs follow 15x9-10 plot lines*


"Teddy is pregnant." Owen says,
"Oh congratulations, I didn't even know!" I say, truly happy for Teddy but given by their faces I'm not sure what's going on.

"And it's Owen's" Teddy says. I'm trying to wrap my head around this. And here I thought everything would go back to normal. I try not to act surprised but either way it happens.

"I—well... Owen...?" I'm speechless. Owen doesn't bother to make eye contact. He knows this isn't what he expected.

"I'm sorry Amelia," he tries.

"You know, I was just coming here to tell you that we could try us, but now... I see you got your hands in a messy situation. And it's friggin great that this stupid elevator is stuck!" I raise my voice at my last words. I clear my throat. I look down for a moment and see a small puddle of blood under the bed.

"Owen your feet..." I trail. He looks down as well, "Where's this blood coming from?" He checks a bag and right when he does, the patient's pulse bottoms down.

"Why is there blood in that bag? He's bradycardic"

"You couldn't tell him earlier? How far long are you? Is this why you quit being Chief? God, I'm such an idiot." I cut Teddy off.

"I was going to tell him, instead one of your foster kids answered the door, I figured Owen didn't want to be part of that. So I quit, and wanted to go back to Germany— Owen start compressions." She gets distracted. Owen starts CPR while Teddy squeezes the ambu-bag. I simply roll my eyes.

"I should've stayed at the lab." I mumble.


After a successful transplant with Alex, I now have to seek a consult with Dr Barrera over patient, if I can't today because of this wind storm, I'll consult with her tomorrow; or at least make a plan today. As what I can remember, she's with Amelia at her skills lab. It doesn't take me more than two minutes when I see Dr Barrera shuffling random papers and closing a laptop.

"Dr Barrera, do you have a minute?" I clear my throat. She turns around, "Dr Grey what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I need a consult, I was on my way to the patient's room, and I thought I could inform you on the way." She gets her white coat from a rolling chair and walks to turn off the light switch.

"So what do you have?" She asks while she puts on her white coat.

"An 11 year-old boy with Edwing sarcoma, couple months of radiation." She nods. We walk alongside watch other when we stop at the desk counter. I hand her his file.

"So I see that you've been into radiation for a long time, now for your age young man, this type of treatment isn't good for your health. From what I can see, your CT scans are looking better from time to time. So I'm suggesting to remove of the bad cartilage from your leg and the side of your hip. Each month we'll see how it has grown and then remove it. Now it will leave some scarring but it's better than the damage of chemo." I hear Barrera talking in the room while she's sitting on the boy's bed. This isn't what I planned to do. What the heck is she thinking?

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