Chapter 18

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*Most scenes belong to 15x12*


It's the first day of a new year in Seattle for the first time. I get out of Andrew's room quietly and head to my room and put a blouse and pants on and come down stairs. I hear my phone getting a notification from my hand bag near the front door, I get it from my bag and read the few messages I got,

jo: so andrew was your plus one! ;)

amelia: hey, i'll finally get to work w you now

carina: happy new years over there <3

I smile over my screen as I read the texts,I walk over to the kitchen counter as prepare some coffee for the both of us.

"I didn't hear you get up, how'd you sleep?" Andrew says while putting on his shoes. He walks over where I am. "Well I was a SEAL, silence is literally in my book." I joke, I notice his hand comes up to touch my face but I gently move it down, "Don't you need to do Shepherd's pre-ops?" I pour myself a cup of coffee and pour some into his thermo bottle.

He tilts his head. I take a couple of sips before answering, "as much I enjoyed last night, it won't happen again Deluca." He scowls, "I've heard that phrase before." I turn around raising an eyebrow, "Mm, well, I don't know how many women have thrown themselves at you but that will not be me. Understood?"

"Understood." He says. I finish what is last of my coffee and wash the mug,

"Do you wanna race?" I look at him and sigh, I put on my leather jacket and my bag, he follows right behind me and locks the door. I get on my bike first, turn on the engine,

"Sure." And I quickly speed off, I catch his face being surprised and quickly follows me, I've had about ten years of riding a motorcycle and I've never been caught for speeding and I'm trying not to break that streak. Soon enough Andrew is catching up on me, "You're not gonna get far Barrera!"

"We'll see about that!" I rev my bike more until I reach 80 miles an hour, I don't see him on my sight so I carry on towards the hospital. Right when I exit the freeway he passes me. We're right by each other until we park almost at the exact same time.

"I won." he cheers as he takes off his helmet. I scoff, "Yeah right, You were just behind me." I take my helmet as well.

"I'll let you have this one." I put the keys in my pocket, and walk to the entrance.

I laugh at his gestures and he too laughs. We walk together until we come across Shepherd, Grey and some other doctor.

"Morning Shepherd, Grey..." I nod to them, they wave. Deluca greets them as well but walks away, I don't blame him since he got stood up, "Hi, I'm Dr Barrera, Head of Ortho." I introduce myself to this young curly headed woman, "Ah yes, I finally get to meet you, Dr Maggie Pierce, Head of Cardio. Amelia has talked about you!" I turn to Amelia hoping for an answer,

"What she means is I told her about our project." She laughs nervously, she pats Pierce on the shoulder and guides me away, "Sorry about my sister."

"She's your sister? Remind me how many sisters you have." We enter the main entrance and head for the elevator, "Oh no, Maggie and Meredith are not my blood sisters, but I do have three other related sisters." She explains. She presses the elevator button to go 'up' and puts them back in her lab coat. "So, since when you and Deluca are... friends?" I get into the elevator,

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