Chapter 1

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Meredith's POV

So far Alex has left with Wilson to her fellowship. He's going to visit us at least once a month, but I don't know how I'm gonna cope while he's gone.

Right now I have to get my kids ready for day care and Zola to her school.

"Zola! Get your sister ready we're leaving in 5 minuets!"

Maggie is still, I think, living with me she's been dating Jackson for a month now but I have no idea when she comes home.

"Alright guys everyone has their lunch?" I say to my children. They nod and go to the car, I hear a phone call which I then realize it isn't mine.... So Mags is here?

I go check to the living room and see the call is from Richard. Um ok... I leave and close the front door.

Maggie's POV
I hear my phone ringing but I can't find it. Where did I leave it... gosh I'm so distracted... now that April has left I can finally be comfortable with Jackson.

"Morning.." Jackson whispers me as he gives me a kiss.

I say, "I thought we slept at your place, I guess not." As I get up and change, he gets up and says, "Well I mean we could've but you insisted coming here and watch a movie." Huh wow I really am so distracted.

I go down to the kitchen and from the corner of my i see my phone. I walk towards it and see a missed call from Richard. What could he want?

I put my phone in my back pocket and make coffee. I hear Jackson coming down the stairs and says,

"Hey so you're the first to know, other than the board members that there's going to be a new Head of Ortho in a few days." Well about time for a new ortho surgeon... I say, "Do you know her... or I guess his name?"I mean it doesn't hurt to know right? Just being prepared.

"Umm if I remember.... um- oh! Um Juliana Barrerá..... she used to be a Navy SEAL." He responds as he pours coffee in his cup. I just stand there and say "Oh.." Both of us get to the door and on our way to Grey Sloan.


Leo's crying wakes me up... god what time is it..5?..6? I get out of bed and take a quick shower... I'm thinking, I should enroll Betty to school right? She's 14 so... high school already. I'd have to ask her.

I dry myself and take a pair of jeans and a simple shirt. I try to wake Betty up.

"Hey you would be entering high school, right?" I ask in a soft voice.

She responds with an irritating voice,"Yea I guess." And goes back to sleep. I walk out of her room and I hear Owen's footsteps.

"Morning" he says with a smile. "Hey" I say with a fake smile, god Teddy is back and being interim Chief of Surgery. Why would Bailey do this? What she just come out of now where and poof! You're interim chief—ugh.


I pick up Leo from his crib and change him. I put him the baby car seat and make coffee and leave some for Amelia. I take Leo and say, " Bye Amelia" and wave a hand. She does it back and I noticed something's off. I shrug it off and put Leo in my truck.

"Hey bud do you think something's wrong with Aunt Amy? Yea I think so too." I say to him as he babbles. I turn on the engine and drive until I arrive. I leave Leo in daycare and make my way to the attendings' lounge.

As in put my stuff in I hear Teddy's voice. What in the world....? "So I organize a mini staff meeting saying I'm their chief for now?" She says to Bailey. Why would she come back? I make my way to the elevator and Jackson and Maggie join me.

"Good morning" I say to them, "Morning." They say in a unison.

"So what a shock that Teddy's the interim Chief huh?" Says Jackson, "Oh also, I don't know if you know Owen but there's going to be a new head of ortho. Her name's Dr. Barrera."

"Oh that's cool. Um when does she start?" I say.

"I think probably less than a week." He responds. The elevator door opens and we all walk out. I go towards the main entrance where everyone's gathered. I stand next to Meredith and... wait where's April? Oh right she quit. Things won't be the same without her. She kept everyone in place.

Teddy walks down the stairwell and speaks,

"Hello good morning. As few of you know I'm the interim Chief and yes I know, such a short notice but I believe everyone here would adapt to change..." I doze off and remember when I went to Germany for her. And then she kicked me out.

My phone chimes paging me to the ER.

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