Chapter 17

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*Three days later; most scenes are from 15x11-12*


Today's my mother's surgery and I don't know what to think, since I have today off, I decided that I should take Harriet with me. I open the door of my mother's room at the hospital and see Richard already with her.

"There's my girl!" She says happily, I get my daughter out of the stroller and give her to my mother. Richard chuckles at the sight as I ask, "Has Korasick re-check the CT angio?"

"Yes, and please stop. I appreciate both of you being here but I have the best neuro team I could ask for.  And that's saying a lot since I have hospitals having my name. Right now what I need is my husband and son."

And with that Korasick and Shepherd enter the room with a machine rolling. They situate the machine on the side of the bed as how they explain how to remove the tumor.

"... and our newly pilfered  ORBEYE scope, thanks to Dr Jo Karev for informing us--"

"How did Karev know about this?" I interrupt, my mom tries to quiet me down with her hand but I still wait for an answer,

"Dr Barrera told her, thus us knowing when she told us. Isn't fun to have so many surgeons in one family." Korasick lightly laughs, I sit back and let them continue,

"The plan is to go in and remove it en bloc, we need to go in posteriorly to avoid the carotid and the jugular and to avoid having to weave through the brachial plexus. So, any last questions?"

"Um... it looks like you've got this." Richard reassures. Both neurosurgeons nod in agreement. I hear my mother saying she'll take a walk around the hospital floor but I can't seem to listen so I just let her as she gives me Harriet.


After my mother was put under, I pace around the OR hallway and have a thousand thoughts going through my head, like a train going on the same track over and over and over and ove--

"There you are." I hear Maggie's voice breaking away my thoughts. I look up and she motions me to sit down on a sheet less patient bed. "She always inserted herself in every single aspect of my life, you know, whether I wanted her to or not. Hell, whether I even knew about it or not." I say keeping my voice from breaking.

"And, um... Now I can't uh... imagine what a room would even feel like without her in it taking up all that space. It was different, losing Samuel" Now my voice begins to break, Maggie puts her hand on my back, going in circles. Not gonna lie that makes me want to continue talking,

"That was more like-- like when a world collapsing around me, you know? And this, I just... feel like scared little kid. I don't like it," I start to cry and repeat, "I don't like it"

"I know, I know" she soothes and brings her arms around so I can put my head down on her.  Slowly I lay my head on her lap and still feel tears streaming down my face.


We're minuets away from starting Catherine's surgery and Tom and I are walking side by side trying to hype each other up, although Tom's usual arrogance is kind of off too.  We both get a pair of shoe latex covers and sit down to put them on. Him and I are now face to face,

"W-what if we try your thing?" I don't pay attention to his question due to spotting Juliana face down looking at a tablet near the reception desk. Her brown locks trailing down her shoulders in her scrubs and coa--

"My what now?" I shake her image away. I put one shoe cover on,

"The word-vomit feelings, seems to work for you."

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