Chapter 10

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"Hey Dr Barrera right?" Someone asks from behind. I turn around and see it's that Peds guy from earlier who has an attitude.
"Yup" I say and continue walking down the hallway. He catches up and continues, "Well my wife recently quit her fellowship at Boston and she wants to specialize in ortho so I was wondering if you're taking anyone in...?" He asks hopefully. I stop and turn around making him almost trip.

"Karev right?"

"Yea" he responds, "Look I know we got off on the wrong foot but uh I was just-" I cut him off and say, "In a bad mood? Yea don't we all.... But what's her name?"

"Dr Josephine Karev. If you can't find her with that last name use Wilson." He explains. "Cool. Wait, a minute wasn't she either the study with mini livers that won an award or something? She can come by and talk to me and we'll go from there." I smile, "Anything else?" I clear my throat.
"No yeah the mini lovers with Grey, good night and thank you." He says and leaves. I make way to the first floor and out of the ER. There's a lot of parking space surprisingly out there.


"Club soda please." I say to Joe and he nods. I make my way to small booth. A waiter comes comes and leaves the drink and mouth a 'thank you'. I take my phone out and text Owen.

Me: how's Betty?

Owen: great she just finished eating:)

"Hey! Shepherd?" I hear Barrera saying walking towards the booth. "Oh hey, I did not know you'd be here" I say looking up.

"Mind if I join you?"She sits downs before I can even answer and opens her bag and says, "I was just wondering, now that you're here, you'd listen about my project?"

"Well you're already here" I say giving in,
She gives me a big smile and shows her dimples and gives my stomach a flutter for some reason.

"So... here's what I'm thinking the.. well let's call it "microchip" for now, will be made up of natural titanium like how it's used to replace a bone..." she trails off. Callie did that with a patient but I heard it didn't work out. "What if titanium doesn't work?" I ask cutting her off. She smiles, "Why wouldn't it?"

"Well because I had a co-worker that used titanium and the patient died." I explain. "Well I'm not that 'co-worker' aren't I?" She retorts. I was about to say something but rather not. Don't wanna mess it up.

She then continues how it'll be implanted and what to connect with nerves and muscle and whatnot. I just stare at her and admire how her hair waves are,

"I'm hoping you're staring at me for knowing where exactly to put it and not checking me out." She smirks cutting my thoughts. "What?- pfft- I'm....." trying to find words, "analyzing where.. and how it's going to work." I panic.. at least I don't think so.

"Oh, well, what do you think?" She asks finally. Honestly everything is great. And how'll be great to change lives and getting amazing fame.

"Well lucky me because I want to get to know you more.. and.. this, this 'microchip' is mind blowing." I say.

"Awesome, well I'm gonna go now and since we're gonna be spending a lot of time together, call me Julie." She says and gathers her things. I also leave and head home.


I'm home with Andrew already finished our shifts. My patient from a night ago still hasn't had contractions and she's  healing great from the burns. All day I've been thinking about the voicemail Arizona left me. I mean what can she possibly say or want even?

*knock knock*

Juliána is probably here. I let Andrew get it while I come down stairs. Ever since Arizona left, Andrew started to rent her house and he asked me if I had a place of my own, but since I mostly jump around cities and states, I'm staying here and helping him out.

"Juliána hey..." I greet her coming in. I only see her with a medium sized suitcase and a backpack. "That's all you have?" Says Andrew.

"Yea, I spent most of the time in the Middle East in uniform." She smiles. Oh I remember when I first met her. I just nod and say, "Well actually there's a guest room up here, Adre- I mean Andrew could you help with the suitcase?" 

"Yea sure" He says skeptical. Once we got up the staircase, Andrew goes back down and shouts so I can hear, "I'm gonna be with the other residents at the hospital."

"Didn't you just finished your shift?" I shout back. "Yea but Webber is doing this type of contest.." he says and with that he shuts the door behind him.

"Well, are you hungry? I just ate at the hospital but I could make something for... you... what are you doing...?" I slowly say but I noticed that she's dragging me into my room.
"I had something else in mind," she says seductively. "We never finished what we started," She tugs my shirt and all I can seem to say is, "Oh?"


She takes off her shirt while I lock her door. I place my hands onto her soft face and plant a deepened kiss on her thin lips. She easily kisses back and her hands go around my waist and under my shirt. I then fiercely take my shirt off and leave it on the floor.

Her hands still tracing down my back while I move my hands down unbuttoning her pants and taking them off. She then switches her hands onto my neck to where I pick her up grabbing her legs and onto my hips. She lets out a surprised squeal and leaves wet kisses down my neck and unclasps my bra. I walk on one side of the bed and put her down roughly.

"You're really strong.." she moans. I just smile and continue kissing her wanting to enter her mouth... she also wants to gain dominance but now it's my turn to gain control. I grab with a free hand both of her hands to put them above her head. She gasps for air, "Mmm I think I should go second, guests first right?"

"Really?" I ask looking down at her, "if you insist," So I let go of her hands and she rolls me over to where now she's on top.

I grip the sheets as her mouth is leaving kisses on my toned abs and her free hands slipping my pants down and underwear with them. Her hands get a hold on my thighs releasing tingles throughout my whole body. I let out a quiet longingly moan. I can notice she knows I don't like the teasing.

This is gonna be one hell of a night.


"So did you talk to her?" Jo asks while I'm driving out of the airport. We're on our way to Mer's and staying in my old room even though Maggie was using it.

"Yea I did, but uh she says you need to speak to her. She's all for it but she wants your... side, I guess." I make my turn to the runway of Mer's house. "Ooh really? Can't wait... is she nice? Well she was in the Navy, so maybe not...." I let Jo talking to herself while I unload the trunk with her suitcase.

"Right...." I say unknowingly. We both enter to the house and I'm thinking about taking a day off tomorrow cause I need to find out if our old place is still available. I got rid of it thinking we weren't coming back, only for visiting.

"Alex! Babe, I'll be right there I need to talk to Meredith about the mini livers!" She says excitedly.

"Ok, just don't take long!" I joke and walk upstairs.

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