Love at first sight

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Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the characters from Fairytail nor do I own the rights to the Phantom of the Opera.

Juvia's POV

I am a singer in a production at the opera house. I came back to Paris, my old childhood home, to be an opera singer to follow in my mother's footsteps. It was a chilly December day, and I really wished that I could've brought my shawl. Along the way to the opera house, I caught an amazing smell, I followed it into a bakery on the street.
"What should Juvia get?" I thought out loud. As I was practically contemplating the meaning of life, I slipped on some water on the floor and fell into someone.
"Ow, watch where you're going moron!" said the person I bumped into. I looked up to see who the person was and oh my gosh! He had black hair and the most handsome eyes. He was soooooooo cute and strangely shirtless.
"Ahhh, J-J-Juvia is sorry, Juvia didn't mean to bump into you." I stuttered.
"Yeah, whatever." he said. He is so attractive. How can Juvia ever get him? Does he have a girlfriend? As my thoughts raged on about him, a man with long black hair and studs on his face yelled at the handsome shirtless boy,"Hey Gray, stop flirting with the customers!"
So the cute boy's name is Gray? He was flirting with me?
"Shut up, Gajeel. She just fell on top of me because Natsu doesn't know how to clean up messes."says Gray.
"I do know how to clean up messes, Ice Princess."says a guy with pink hair, I'm assuming he's Natsu.
"What did you call me?"says Gray. They just start punching each other then. I leave for the opera house to try to get away from the fighting. That night, all I can dream about is Gray.

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