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Juvia's POV

"Gray?" I ask quietly. He looks over at me and I say, "Can we talk outside?"
He nods yes and grabs my hand to lead me outside away from the raging party.
He opens the door and we sneak out. "What's the matter?" he asks me.

"Juvia has been waiting for some answers for awhile and will wait no longer," I say.
"Answers to what?" he asks and for some reason that sets me off.

"Everything! Magic being okay, you having magic, your thoughts on my magic, whether or not we'll go back to France, details on where we are..." I rant but he interrupts me,"Okay, take a deep breath. First of all, we are in Magnolia which is a city in Fiore. In Fiore, it's legal to use magic. There are various guilds in the country, to unite mages."

"Why was Gray-sama in France, then?" I ask trying to comprehend what he was telling me.

"Erza, Lucy, Levy, Gajeel, Natsu and I are all mages who were working undercover in France to find other mages to bring into Fairy Tail, such as yourself," Gray says.

"How did we end up in Fiore?" I ask.

He scratches his head and says,"After the battle, our magic energy was harvested and our friends rushed us to a hospital in Fiore, so we could get proper treatment and avoid trouble. You were completely frozen so they had to thaw you. Miraculously, they found a way but it left you in a comatose state. When I woke up, the nurse in the hospital told me that we only had hours to live, but a special nurse there used healing powers to help, which is why we're still alive. There's no telling how long it'll last though."

I take a deep breath and we stand in silence for a moment. I start to walk away from him and he grabs my hand. I look back at his gorgeous eyes and he sighs.

"Juvia, I've been hiding these things from you and I'm sorry. There is a place here for you if you wish to stay. You have some friends here already and the Master will accept you into the guild."

After he says that, I walk away from him and the guild. I have a lot of decisions to make.

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