The Cold

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Gray's POV

*Beep* *Beep*
I open my eyes and a really bright light appears before me. *Beep* *Beep* What is that sound? I turn to the side and see all sorts of wires in my arms and a heart monitor. Any sort of movement aches. My head is pounding. I can't remember a thing.

A small girl with blue hair walks in. "Hi, I'm Wendy!"she says.
She looks at me with a sad face and puts her hand on my stomach. "What are you doing?" I ask her. She smiles and says,"I'm relieving your pain." As she says that, all my aches disappear. She knows magic? This is no normal hospital, meaning I can't get arrested.
I don't understand why the outside world doesn't accept magic. I miss Fiore.
Suddenly Wendy's face gets sad. "What's the matter?", I ask. Suddenly the air conditioning kicks on full blast and I start to get cold. "Can you get a blanket for me?" I ask her. She starts to head out and I say, "Wait."

I don't get cold. I am an ice mage.
"Why am I cold?" I ask her. She gives a sympathetic look and says,"All your magic is gone. You are now entirely human, and you are dying."
I don't know how to feel. "How am I dying? I don't even know why I'm here?!" I yell frantically.
"Sir, calm down!" she yells, "You and Juvia's magic energy was harvested, thus taking away most of your lifeline leaving you both with only a few hours to live." She leaves the room in a rush and I sit there shocked. Where is Juvia?

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