The setup

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I just watch the beautiful woman as she sleeps. She has amazing soft blue hair and fair skin. No one compares to her beauty, and yet she is only in the chorus. She has the voice of an angel, she doesn't need those lessons at all. I only said that, so I can get to know her more.

Gray's POV
I wake up to the smell of fire. Stupid Natsu, I bet he burned the food again. I get out of my bed and walk downstairs to the bakery. Gajeel is baking some bread while Natsu was attempting to make breakfast. "Good Morning, Ice Princess." says Natsu. I hate him. He really angers me. I ignore him and make some cereal because the food he tried to make isn't edible.
"Good Morning, boys!" Levy came from upstairs and kissed Gajeel. "Can't you save that for your room?" I asked. "Stop being such a grump, Gray. You're just jealous that I actually have an amazing girlfriend." says Gajeel. "If you were more polite, I'm sure you could get a girlfriend. There's a new girl in the show you could ask out. She's really pretty." says Levy.
"Thanks but no, Levy. I'm not interested in a relationship, and I wouldn't date an opera singer." I said. "I really think you'd be happier, Gray. Just go on one date with her, please?" asked Levy. I was going to reject her offer, but then Gajeel glared at me as if saying that if I say no, he'll kill me. I guess one date won't kill me. "Yeah, I'll go out with your stupid friend." I said. Levy squealed and said, "You two will be so cute, I'm going to go tell her right now. You won't regret this!" With that being said, she ran out of the door with no shoes on.
I always found her odd, but her relationship with Gajeel is even stranger to me. She's super tiny and has blue messy hair that's usually held back with a bandana, and Gajeel is huge with long black hair and studs all over him. They look odd together, but strangely they're happy.
I just hope that I don't regret my choice to go out with whoever Levy was talking about.

Juvia's POV
I was practicing my dances on stage when Levy, one of the other dancers, comes running in. She comes up to me with her hair really messy, and she's out of breath.
"J-J-Juvia, I came here to tell you that I set you up on a date w-with one of my friends." she said. "Juvia isn't interested in a date." I said. She looked really disappointed and said, "Please, just do me a favor. It's just one date. Please."
"Alright, Juvia will go, so when is the date?" I said. "It'll be tomorrow night at 7, in the park." she said. "Alright, Juvia will be there." I said. She hugged me tightly and said,"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" she said. Then she skipped off really happily.
What did I get myself into? I don't want to go on a date, I have a mystery to solve. I guess I can take a break and go on a date, but I would rather like to go on a date with the boy from the bakery, Gray.

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