Last Dance

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Juvia's POV

"Ms. Juvia, you are now free to go." my nurse says. She takes out my IV and I check out of the hospital. I turn my head to the waiting room and I see my Gray-sama waiting with a bouquet of flowers. I run towards him and give him a hug. He spins me around and kisses me. We then leave the hospital hand in hand.

"You look wonderful today, Juvia." Gray says and hands me the flowers, they are roses. I look at the card attached and it says, W. Before I could ask any questions, Gray pulls us into a fancy restaurant and a lady has us sit at a table with a beautiful table setting with tealights. "What would you like to drink? Here's your menus." the server says. I look down at the menu and it has a big A on it.
I look at Gray questioningly but he just grabs my hand and kisses my fingers.
"Can Juvia have a water with no ice?" I ask, the lady nods and looks to Gray. He says,"I'll have a water too." The server heads out and we actually start flipping through the menus. On each page is a large letter. Each page with a different letter, "K, E, U, P"
"Gray-sama, why is the menu strange?" he laughs and says,"I have no idea what you're talking about."
I look back down at my menu and the letters disappear; it now looks completely normal.

As I try to figure out my menu, the server comes back with the drinks and asks, "What would you like to eat?" I forgot to decide what to eat. I look at Gray and he orders first," I'll have California Roll sushi with iced Salmon on the side." he says. The server looks at me and I say,"I'll have the same thing."

She hurries off and I look over at Gray-sama. He rubs the back of his neck and sighs. He's nervous? He climbs out of his chair and walks over to me. He holds his hand out in front of me and I put my hand in his. He walks me over to the balcony of the restaurant, and outside is a harpist playing a beautiful song.

"May I have this dance?" he asks with a light blush on his cheeks. I smile and nod because I'm afraid if I open my mouth, only a squeal will come out.

We sway to the melody, and spin all around the balcony. This moment was perfect, unreal, something out of a film. He stops and caresses my cheek. I look at him confused but he says,"Juvia, I have something very important to tell you. You have been in my life for a short time and in the short period I fell in love. Now I'm going to ask you something important, Will you....

....Wake up?"

What? Wake up?!

Darkness starts to creep in and Gray fades away. Everything fades away. Even me. Blackness is all I see. All that's left is Gray's voice pleading to me,"Juvia please wake up. Come back to me, please!I love you. At least let me see you smile once more."

I try to move but I can't. I try to find Gray but I can't. There is only pleading and darkness.

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