All I Need

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Gray's POV

I head into Juvia's room and smile. She looks so beautiful. The light from the window hits her skin so perfectly, she could be a Goddess. She IS my Goddess.
I sit next to her and stroke some hair away from her face. I hold her hand and wait.
"I'll wait forever if I have to." I smile once again and kiss her hand. I lay my head next to her and fall asleep.

Something starts to move under me and I wake up. I open my eyes and yawn. I rub my eyes and look at Juvia.
How long was I asleep? I look out the window and see it's dark, so I've been out for a few hours. I go to lay my head down again, but something moves again. I look at Juvia's hand and her fingers start moving.

I look again in shock and smile. She really is moving! I hold her hand and squeeze it while my other hand strokes her face.

She weakly smiles and my heart feels as if it'll burst. Her eyes start to flutter open and I try my best not to jump on her so instead I kiss her. She kisses back very weakly, but at this point anything is worth everything.
"Gray-sama?"she says really weakly.
"Juvia is thirsty." I laugh but then I saw she was serious. I jump up and press the button for a nurse. She smiles at my behavior and says,"Juvia heard most of what Gray-sama said." I feel a heat rushing to my cheeks so I look down.
She grabs my face and says,"Don't be embarrassed," she lightly laughs and then her face is serious,"I love you." My heart leaps at that moment and I embrace her. I whisper in her ear,"I love you. You are all I need, my love."

Wendy's POV

The head nurse told me to check on Juvia because the help button was pressed in her room. I crack open the door and see Gray embracing her and Juvia awake. I smile wide and try to keep in my squeal. I definitely ship Gruvia. My real life OTP!

I shut the door completely and sneak away with a smirk plastered on my face.

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