The Blush Just Keeps Coming

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Juvia's POV

Levy walks away, leaving me at the bottom of the stairs. Then I glance over at Gray-sama, who starts to head my way. I glance away quickly and try to avoid the heat coming to my cheeks.

He grabs my hand and takes me outside of the guild, without saying a word. I have no idea where we're going or what's going on. He seems so determined. He guides me through the winding streets of Magnolia and we continue on until we reach a river.

As we stop, he turns around and grabs my face, kissing me. He releases me and says,"I had to do that."

He starts walking away and I grab his hand. Really? He's just going to walk away with no explanation?

I say, "No, this will not be the way things are. Gray-sama acts like he loves Juvia at times and ignores her other times. Juvia loves Gray-sama, and she wants to know what this is. We can die at anytime and Juvia can't imagine spending her time without Gray-sama."

His eyes widen and he blushes. He stands there for a moment seemingly trying to figure out what to do. Suddenly, he kisses me once more. He then put his lips to my ear and whispers,"And Gray-sama loves Juvia. I couldn't imagine spending my time without you either."

He releases me and we both blush. I'm not sure what to do now, but all I want to do is enjoy this moment. I decide to take in the scenery. I sit on the ground and notice the sun is perfect.

Gray's POV

Juvia sits on the ground so I join her. She admires the sunset, while I admire her. I inch my hand toward hers and she completely takes my hand in hers.

We sit in silence for over a hour, holding hands, and I get up. I offer my hand to her and she gets up.

She really is beautiful. Looking at her, heat rises to my face and I get nervous. I rub the back of my neck and ask, "J-Juvia? Will you be my g-girlfriend?"

Her eyes widen and she squeals as she knocks me to the ground. I laugh and say,"I take that as a yes." She nods and gets up and starts dancing around the water of the river.  I watch her as I sit there, astounded. She actually said yes.

Suddenly, Juvia falls over into the water and doesn't get back up. I rush to my feet and try to reach her. The problem is that my body feels as if it's numbing. A sharp pain hits my chest and I realize the end is near.

So this is it. It can't end now, things were so perfect. I found my happiness and I cannot lose it. I collapse on the ground as the fire in my chest spreads.

I crawl to Juvia and take her into my arms. I get to my feet, with her in my arms, and realize she is my strength. I use my determination and start to head to Fairytail. I can only walk slowly but if I stop, I know it'll be the end. Step by step, the pain gets more excruciating.

I can see Fairytail now. Almost there. Come on. Keep going. One, two......

Natsu's POV

Happy and I are about to go on a quest with Lucy! Hehe...I love messing with her.

"Hey Luce, hurry up or we'll be late!"
She rushes over to me from talking to Levy, out of breath. How is she out of breath? I lead the way and pushed the doors to leave the guild. Why isn't the door opening?I push another time and it still doesn't budge.

"Let me try." says Lucy and she attempts a Lucy kick.

It still doesn't work. I am impatient so..."Fire Dragon's Roar!"

Let's just say the door no longer exists. I walk out proudly and trip. What is under me? I get up and see that it's Ice Princess. And Juvia? Why are they on the ground?

Uhhh, what's going on?

Lucy pushes me out of the way and puts her fingers on Gray's neck. She sees I'm confused and says,"I'm checking his pulse." I nod still not knowing what that means.

Her eyes widen and she does the same thing with Juvia. She runs into the guild hall and yells,"Help! Gray and Juvia are down!"

Erza, Master, and Wendy rush out and Wendy also 'checks their pulses'. She looks concerned and goes to speak with the Master.

Erza grabs me and asks,"What happened?" I shrug and say,"I just fell over and found them like this."
She sighs and walks over to the Master, who has tears in his eyes.

"I'm afraid that Juvia and Gray will not last through the day. They are still alive, but their pulses are weakening. Natsu, Erza, and Lucy please bring them into the hospital wing."

Lucy starts crying, so she's not much help. Dread starts to fill me, as we lift them onto stretchers. We all fear what's coming, the thing that'll reach all of us eventually. Death.

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