The Phantom of the Opera

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I watch the girls speak from the catwalk above. A small bluenette runs up to my angel. I can't hear most of the conversation, but I hear bits of it. Some thing to do with a date and my angel go on a date with someone. Nooooo! She's mine. In my fit of rage, I knock down a sandbag and walk off to my lair to make a plan.

Juvia's POV
Shortly after Levy left, I was practicing with the other dancers, and then some girl screams. It was Carlotta. We all rushed to her because a sandbag had fallen on her.
"Are you alright, Carlotta?" I ask. She ignores my question and says,"That's it! I quit, I'm done being stuck with all of this paranormal stuff!" Then she limps out the door.
Every dancer starts to murmur. I ask one of the main dancers, Erza, what was going on. She says, "The Phantom of the Opera."
What is the phantom? Why does everyone seem so afraid of him? "Juvia wants to know what the phantom is.", I say. Everyone gasps. "You don't know the legend?" Erza asks. "No, Juvia doesn't." I say.
"About ten years ago, strange things were happening. Things falling from the catwalk, notes and cards left in dressing rooms, threatening letters, performers getting injured, and mysterious singing coming from nowhere. All of this connects to the phantom. No one has seen him, but everyone is afraid of him." she says.
Notes left in dressing rooms? Oh no, it can't be. The phantom couldn't have left that rose and notes, it wasn't him was it?
"Juvia, are you okay? You look scared.Has the Phantom bothered you already?" she asks. I didn't want to scare the other dancers more, so I say, "No, he hasn't bothered Juvia."
They all sigh in relief and start practicing again, but I can't help but wonder if the phantom left that rose for me. This mystery gets more and more interesting...

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