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Seven years later...

"Come here, Mikita!" yells Juvia. A young girl about 5 comes running from across the guild hall to her. Gray comes up behind Juvia and puts his hand on her shoulder.

Mikita, the young girl, runs up to Juvia and hugs her legs.
"Mommy, I was talking to Holden. Do we have to leave now?"

Gray laughs at his daughter and picks her up. Holden, a small pink haired boy, comes up to them and tugs on Gray's pants. "Does she have to go?"

Gray looks at Holden and says,"She'll come back."

Holden then says with an attitude,"You can't take my girlfriend from me."

Then Gray narrows his eyes at the kid and hands Mikita to Juvia. "Hey, flame brain? Why is your son saying he's dating my daughter?! I didn't approve!" Then Natsu comes from across the guild and starts to fight with Gray.

Juvia rolls her eyes and looks at Mikita, who has dark hair like Gray and Juvia's blue eyes, and kisses her forehead. Mikita looks down at her mom's stomach, which is quite large. "When will my brother come, mommy?"

Juvia smiles and says,"He will be here anytime in the next month. Your daddy is really excited to have a son."
Then Lucy comes up to Juvia and

"I guess our husbands will never outgrow fighting eachother."
She then picks up Holden and says to him,"Let's go get your daddy."

Lucy walks over to the fighting pair and grabs Natsu's ear. "Ow, Luce!"
"You shouldn't be fighting in front of our son!"
Lucy continues yelling at Natsu as she, Natsu, and Holden leave the guild.

Juvia walks over with Mikita to Gray.
"Are you ready, Gray-sama?" she asks and Gray replies,"Yeah, let's go."
He takes Mikita out of Juvia's arms and holds her in his left arm and he holds Juvia's hand with his right.

He looks over at Juvia, his wife for six years now, and smiles. He really does love her and soon they'll have another child.

They all walk to the florist and grab a single blue rose. Juvia holds it, while Gray pays for it. Then the family heads out to the cemetery.

They walk to a familiar grave and Juvia hands the rose to Mikita. Mikita lays it on the grave and says,"Hi, Uncle Lyon. I hope you aren't lonely."

Juvia and Gray hold hands while they smile at their daughter. Mikita continuously talks to him until Juvia says, "It's getting dark, we should go back to the guild."

She picks up Mikita and starts to walk away. Gray says,"I'll meet you two at the guild." Juvia nods and walks to Fairytail. Gray gets on his knees and says,"I never thought I'd say this, but thank you, Lyon. You gave Juvia and I a second chance at life, and I couldn't be more grateful. At first she was some girl who knocked me over at the bakery, now I couldn't imagine life without her. If you hadn't put us through all that trouble, we probably wouldn't be where we are today."

Gray then stands up and dusts off his jeans. He starts to walk to the guild hall and he smiles because he knows that his wife and daughter are waiting for him. He's happy to be with her and that she's accomplished her dream to be a famous opera singer. When she isn't partnered with him on missions, she's performing.

There's nothing that he loves more than his family and Fairytail.

(AN: The End. I hope you liked it guys! It's been a crazy journey, but now it's come to an end. Thank you to all my active readers. I love all of you! Please check out my new Gruvia fanfiction that I'm working on!)

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