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Levy's POV

I've been wanting to ask Juvia how her date went, but I haven't had the opportunity yet. Our rehearsals are getting longer with less breaks because we perform Friday. I practice for another hour before someone calls out,"Break time!"
I see Juvia start walking away and I yell,"Juvia, don't leave!"
She turns around, and I walk towards her. "What does Levy-chan need?"she asks me. "Well, I NEED to know about your date. How'd it go?" I say. "Oh, Juvia had a good time.We laughed alot, and Gray-sama seemed nice." I start fangirling internally. They are so perfect and cute together. They need to have lots of Gruvia babies. "Is Levy-chan okay? She was staring off into space for awhile." Juvia says. I forgot I was still talking to Juvia. "I'm fine Juvia. Well, I'm gonna go to the bathroom now. I hope he asks you out again!" I say as I walk to the nearest restroom.


I was listening to my precious Juvia speak to the small and very odd bluenette. I can't believe what I heard. MY Juvia liked her date! NO! This can't be. SHE'S MINE! I let out a frustrated yell and start playing the organ. What does Juvia see in him?
I guess I need to try harder. I'll bring her here and teach her my musical compositions. I'll leave a bouquet of blue roses for her, and give her the best diamond necklace I can offer.
She will be mine. There's a sort of power she possesses. I will have her.

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