Show Day part 2

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Gray's POV

Juvia's show is in about thirty minutes, so now I'm getting ready. I put on a nice suit, and grab my ticket. I start heading towards the opera house when Gajeel yells,"Hey, wait for me. I have to go see Levy!" I stop and wait for him to catch up.
After a ten minute walk we arrived at the opera house. I immediately get seated on the balcony. Gajeel is sitting next to me with a bouquet of daffodils in his hands for Levy.
The show starts and I recognize Levy, Erza, and a couple other dancers on stage. When does Juvia come out? I kept looking for her and after awhile they announce that it's time for intermission. I stay seated during intermission, and before I know it act two begins. The curtain opens revealing Juvia. A spotlight shines on Juvia. Wow, she looks amazing. Then she starts singing, and my breath is taken away at how great she is. I close my eyes and listen to how she sings.

Then I hear a crash and screams. I immediately open my eyes to see a light fixture has fallen where Juvia was standing.Oh no! "Juvia!" I yell out.Then the lights go out.
Women and children scream and cry, and the lights come on again. I rush down the stairs to the lower level and climb onstage. Gajeel follows me, and helps me move the fallen light fixture. We pick it up and move it to the side, and nothing is there. "Juvia?! Where are you?!" I yell out. Where could she be? I decide to ask the other performers what they know. Gajeel and I go backstage to question the others.
I see Levy and she's crying. Gajeel looks at her with concern."Levy, what's wrong?" He asks. With tears streaming down her face she says,"H-he took her."
"Who took her, Levy?" I ask.
"The Phantom!" she yells and runs away, and Gajeel runs after her.
The phantom? Who is that? And why would they take Juvia? I will find this phantom and get Juvia back. I'm not sure what I feel for her exactly, but I know I will get her back. This "phantom" will not be victorious.

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