The Lair

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Juvia's POV

I wake up in something soft. I look around to see soft, silky, white pillows and blankets around me. I'm in a huge canopy bed. I sit up in the bed and look around. I'm in a dark room that has various candelabras in it, and at the center of the room is an organ. Then a dark cloaked figure walks in from a small opening at the side of the room. He then looks at me, and I see that he's wearing a mask.
"W-who are you?", I ask in fear.
"I'm the Phantom, my dear.", he then walks up to me and kisses my hand. "Are you the person who sent Juvia all those notes and roses?", I ask
"Yes.", he says simply before he walks off and starts playing the piano. "Why did you bring Juvia here?", I ask.
"Because you are mine, and I wanted to keep you away from those who could take you from me.", he says nonchalantly while still playing the organ.
"Juvia is nobody's property! Juvia doesn't want to be here, so leave Juvia alone!", I yell. This phantom is getting me angry. "Why do you bother the people of the opera? Why do you wear that mask? And where did you come from?", I ask out of both curiosity and anger.
He looks at me, but I can't tell if he's upset or not. His mask covers his whole face. He sighs and says,"I use the people who work here, so I can get some money. I would work, but I would be shunned off. I stay here to hide, and this mask conceals my identity.I committed a crime, so I'm in hiding."
I sort of pity him. He's stuck here all alone and can't work just because he committed a crime. I wonder who he is.....

"Can I see you without your mask?", I ask. He says,"I suppose I have to show you because you would've found out eventually anyway."
He slowly takes off his mask and I gasp.

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