A Day to Remember

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Erza's POV

I walk into the hospital wing and see Lucy crying next to the beds of Gray and Juvia, and Natsu comforting her.

"I'll watch them for awhile. You two look like you need rest." I say.
Natsu nods and taps Lucy's shoulder,"Come on, Luce. Erza is right, we should go get some sleep."
He helps her get up and they leave me there with Gray and Juvia.

I sit in a chair across from them and look at the entrance to see if anyone will come in. No one seems to be near, so I sigh and let the tears, that I've been holding in, fall down. I've been friends with Gray since we were kids, I was a bit tough on him but he was still special to me. And Juvia, she's a bit newer, but she's still part of the guild, part of my family, she's still a friend.

They were people you could depend on, and in about a hour they will both be gone. Suddenly the door bursts open and I quickly wipe my tears. I can't let anyone see I've been crying, I was supposed to stay strong.

I look up and see that it's Lyon. Lyon?!

"What are you doing here? Haven't you caused them enough pain? I thought you were dead, how ARE you here?" I ask. He completely ignores me and walks over to Juvia and caresses one of her cheeks.

He looks pained at the sight of her and a tear rolls down his face.

"I didn't want any of this to happen. I just wanted to be with her, I just wanted love."

I didn't expect this coming from him. I guess every cold person has a bit of love somewhere deep down.

"They are expected to die within the hour." I say. Lyon's back straightens and more tears fall from his eyes. He takes Juvia's hand and kisses it.

"Is there any way to save them?" he asks me as he turns to face me.

"Not that I know of." I say. He then rushes out of the room, to who knows where. I look at Gray and Juvia once more, then head out of the room too.
I see Lyon talking with the master, Wendy, and Porlyusica. I walk towards them and try to listen. I decide not to get any closer because it seems to be a very inportant discussion.

They all look solemn, except Lyon who seems determined. Master pats Lyon's back and they all head back into the hospital wing. I run towards Master Makarov and ask,"What's going on?"

Master says,"We can't say right now. Your job is to keep anyone from entering." I nod my head and he goes into the wing with Lyon, Porlyusica, and Wendy.

I stand guard and Natsu approaches me. I stop him and say,"You can't come any closer. Master's orders."

"Why can't I?" Natsu asks.

"I actually don't know." I say. Natsu frowns but the guild starts to shake. Everyone standing falls down and the others try to steady themselves. Intense light comes from the hospital wing and I start to wonder what the hell is going on.

Everyone is trying desperately to keep balance but fails. Then it stops and the light slowly disappears. We all get up off of the ground and look around, confused. I look behind me and hear all sorts of yelling in the room.

Wendy shouts, "Juvia is gone, please hurry!" Then a loud beep is heart a d Wendy yells,"There goes Gray too! Are you sure this will work?"

I try to hear more but there's only silence. I start to worry, how are they going to save dead people?

Then the guild gets incredibly cold. I see frost coming out of the room and spreading across the floor. Suddenly it goes up the walls and the whole guild is covered in it. The frost gets thicker and soon it is a thick sheet of ice.

The master runs out and yells,"Everyone get down!" We all fall to the floor and an explosion of ice comes out from behind me. Walls of the guild crumble down and some screams can be heard. What the hell just happened?

I get up and look at the hosptial wing. The walls were completely destroyed so I can see straight through.Wendy and Porlyusica are crouched down, Lyon is on a hospital bed, not moving. I don't see Gray and Juvia.

Some rubble of a wall starts to move and I realize something is under it. I rush to move the rubble away and it starts to turn to ice and crumbles. A hand reaches out from under and a whole body emerges. It's Gray!

He pulls someone out from under him and it's Juvia! They're alive! But how?

Gray and Juvia smile at me then Gray turns to Juvia. He grabs her face and kisses her while the rest of the guild is in awe.

Wendy walks up to me and grabs a hold of my arm. "That was amazing." I look at her confused and Porlyusica comes over to me as well.

She says,"That was the process  of transferring life. I have never seen anything like it before."

Transferring of a life? I try to understand what she meant but Master Makarov steps forward and says,"I am pleased to say that both Gray and Juvia are alive and their magic energy has been restored. A donor came in and gave his own life to save their's, so we should be grateful. Lyon Vastia turned into the hero at the end. He may have caused us a fair amount of trouble, but he did the right thing. Lyon's last words were,'I've been the villian too long, I want to die as the hero.' Anyone could be the good guy in the end, so in honor of this day, we shall hold a festival on this day in his honor."

The whole guild erupts into cheers and I smile. Now, this is how it should be.

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