Wedding Day part 2

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Juvia's POV

"Do you, Juvia, take Lyon as your lawfully wedded husband?" the minister asked. My hands are sweaty, I'm nervous, and my vision is getting blurry. I don't want to marry Lyon. I don't know what to do. Before I could say anything, I hear gasping.
I turn around and right in the middle of the aisle is Gray. He's out of breath and a bit sweaty, but he's as attractive as ever. I'm surprised he's wearing a suit. My eyes start to overflow with tears of joy and I ask,"Gray-sama?"
He looks up but Lyon says something and sweeps me off my feet. I was too lost in thought to know what Lyon said, but as I sit in Lyon's arms as he walks away I watch Gray stare at us.
"What did you say, Lyon?"
He keeps walking and doesn't acknowledge my question. I ask him again but with anger in my voice.
He doesn't respond.
I try to wriggle out of his arms but he won't let me go. Then I remembered that I am made of water. Who cares if magic is forbidden? Lyon has no proof of me being magic. This may be France instead of Fiore, but my friends love me regardless. I relax my body and shift into water. I puddle up on the ground and shift back into a body. I'm free from that loon's grasp!
I run away from Lyon, not looking back and head to the wedding. My lungs start to burn and my dress is heavy so I start slowing down.
Time starts to slow down, I feel someone grab me from behind and my feet are frozen to the ground. I turn and see Lyon with a half-crazed face.
I start crying in defeat until I hear my last hope, some footsteps. "Ice make: Spear!" says a familiar voice as I see a spear whiz past me to reach it's target, Lyon. I smile with tears still streaming down my face as I find my hope.

The battle has begun.

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