Show Day part 1

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Juvia's POV

It's show day and I'm super nervous. Especially because I have a big solo in the middle of the show. I cannot disappoint Gray-sama. Will he come tonight? He said he would, so I'm hoping I do well.
I walk into my dressing room and start to fix my hair up. I sit at my vanity and notice a whole bouquet of blue roses. I pick them up and smell them. Then a card falls out from the roses onto the vanity. It says,"My dearest Juvia, I am very excited to see you perform tonight. I hope you enjoy the flowers, and I request that you meet me here in your dressing room immediately after the show.
I keep you in the deepest regards,
Reading that note seriously frightened me. Who is P? Why does he know me? Is he the phantom? I don't think I should meet him later.
I picked up my costume and grabbed my makeup supplies and ran to Levy's dressing room.
"Juvia, are you okay?" she asks me as I enter her room. I drop my costume and makeup supplies on the floor, then I start hyperventilating. "I'm guessing that's a no. What's the matter?" she asks. I don't answer her and I start changing into my costume. I can't let anyone know that the phantom is possibly bothering me, and I definitely won't be meeting him after the show.
"Juvia, the show is going to start in a few minutes. We need to get into our places." says Levy. She leaves and I head out to where I should be.
The curtain opens and then our show begins. Erza and Levy start singing onstage and I have to wait until the second act because that's where I come in with my solo.
I concentrate on my breathing, and before I know it the first act and intermission is over. The curtain opens and I take a deep breath. The spotlight shines on me and I start to sing along with the music. I continue slowly getting more comfortable, and it seems that I was born to perform.
In that moment, I decide that I'm having fun and that performing was my passion.

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