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Juvia's POV

My head is pounding as I wake up. Yet again, I don't know where I am. At least Gray saved me last night. Where is he anyway? I get up and I appear to be in some sort of a hotel. "Gray-sama?", I whisper. The bathroom door opens and then I see someone I didn't expect. It was Lyon.
"What happened to Gray-sama?!", I ask angrily.
Lyon smirks and says,"Nothing, yet. You just have to cooperate with me."
"What does Lyon mean?", I ask him.
He walks to the bed and lays on it. He closes his eyes and says,"Your friends won't like you once they find out who you are. Did you forget that I know? You are a water mage. That's not accepted here. Once your friends find out, they will toss you to the curb. You know, I am an ice mage, so we are perfect together. We would be so powerful. Those friends of yours could do nothing but hurt you once they know."
He opens his eyes and sits up to look at me standing by the door.

"Marry me, Juvia.", he says as I gasp.
"Lyon, why should Juvia marry you? You kidnapped her.", I say. He gets up and stands in front of me and says,"If you don't, I'll expose you to the whole country. It'll ruin your career and any future friendships with people."
I almost say no, but he's right about people hating magic. I have no choice.

"Yes, Juvia?"
"Juvia will marry you.", I say. He smirks and replies, "You made the right choice. Now if you excuse me, I have a wedding to plan." Then he walks over to the desk where a laptop is sitting and starts planning our wedding.
I shiver at the thought of being his wife. What I get myself into? Sure Lyon is my childhood friend, but he's different now.

Maybe I can learn to love Lyon....

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