Wedding Day part 1

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Gray's POV

As soon as the train stopped, Erza and I ran out. Lucy and Levy were right behind us, but Gajeel and Natsu are super slow because they are still recovering from motion sickness.
"I'm hungry. Can we eat?", asked Lucy.
"We have no time for food, we must get to that hotel immediately," said Erza.
Lucy and Natsu's stomachs started growling but we ignored it. We walk across the street and from there we see the sign,"The Big Apple Hotel". Then we all tilt our heads back, just to see the top of this giant hotel.
"Wow, this place is big!", exclaims Levy. I look around and decide to walk inside; the other follow ne and I ask Natsu to show me his invitation.
I show the receptionist the invitation and she says,"Oh, you're here for the wedding! It's outside in the gardens at the pavilion. You're a bit late though. Just go through those doors on the far left," she points her finger at the door.
I look at the time, it's 12:10?! That means the ceremony started already. I'm late!
I run through those doors and a see a pavilion in the distance. I run to the pavilion quickly and the wedding was happening, but when I saw who was at the altar I realized...... I was at the wrong wedding! The minister looks at me like I'm crazy because I just ran onto the altar pushing the groom away until I realized it was some odd old couple. "I apologize for interrupting your wedding," I say. Then I run off again with a hint of red on my cheeks.

I stop and look around and I spot another pavilion. I run and by the time I get there, I'm out of breath. I stop in the middle of the aisle panting and kneeling on the ground trying to catch my breath. I look up and I see everyone's shocked faces except for Erza who is already there, for some reason. She's just watching this whole scene like it's a juicy soap opera as she eats cake, how did she get cake?
Anyway, after the long awkward tension, my attention was brought to the altar when I hear someone softly say,"Gray-sama?"
Standing there hand in hand with Lyon, was my gorgeous Juvia. Being the awkward person I am, I just laugh and say,"You won't believe the trouble I had getting here." Juvia smiles and starts tearing up. Lyon shakes his head and snaps out of his trance and says, "What are you here to do, Gray? Stop the wedding? It's too late for that because Juvia and I were just proclaimed officially as husband and wife."
Without another word, Lyon scoops Juvia, my girl, off her feet and hurries off the altar. And I am left standing in the middle of the aisle, stunned. This can't be true...

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