The Phantom strikes back

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Gray's POV

My heart is pounding, my hands are sweaty, and my breathing is heavy. Juvia is holding onto my hand, but I don't know how much longer she can go. Finally, she collapsed. We don't have much time because I hear Lyon's footsteps. I pick her up bridal style and continue running. I see where Juvia's mirror is open, allowing access into her dressing room. I run in and lay her in the nearest chair, and close the mirror over the entrance, then I move a sofa in front of the mirror. We should be okay for now. I take my shirt off and wipe my sweat on it, then I pick up the still unconscious Juvia. I sneak out of her dressing room and yell to the others, "I found her, but we're all in danger! We need to evacuate the building right now." They don't question me and we all get out. I carry Juvia to the bakery and bring her to my room. I lay her on the bed, and I sit next to her and fall asleep.

The next day, I wake up and check the time. It's three in the afternoon?! I look over at Juvia, but she's gone. All that is in her place, is a note.

"I am warning you, if you come get her again all of your bakery friends will start to disappear. Juvia is mine and always will be. Don't bother getting her because by the time you see this, she will be far away.

I stand up and shiver at the thought of that stranger coming into my room. I walk downstairs to see Levy and Lucy are over. They both seem to be holding something in their hands. "What's the matter with you two?", I ask. They look up and Lucy hands me what looks like an invitation.
It has a picture of a heart that says, "True Love"
On the inside it reads," On the 24th of July, you are invited to watch Juvia and Lyon be wedded in holy matrimony at the Big Apple hotel at 12 p.m.."

Lyon?! He's the Phantom?! She can't marry him. I need to save her. Lucy looks at me and says, "I didn't even know Juvia had a boyfriend. I thought she was into you." I ignore Lucy and drop the invitation on the ground. I run upstairs and get the guys.

Lyon is going down.

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