You Never Know

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Juvia's POV

I sit under a cherry blossom tree and munch on some pocky. I look up to the beautiful blue sky and smile. The warmth engulfs my skin and for a moment, everything is alright.

Then I think about how I can die at anytime and my moment of bliss ends. My mind gets clouded with dark feelings and thoughts. Death is terrifying. Before, I never gave it much thought, but now as it approaches, I feel scared.

Is this how Gray feels? Am I just going to live out the rest of my days in fear?Will I ever be the opera singer that my mother wanted me to be?

I stand up and brush off my dress. I walk around the cherry blossom trees and a single cherry blossom falls down into my palm.

"Beautiful, isn't it." a masculine voice says from behind me. I look behind and see that it is Fairytail's small guild master. What was his name again?

"Instead of living your life worrying about when death will take you into his embrace, enjoy yourself. Make some friends, child. From what I understand, you were very lonely your entire life. It's up to you to change that. Life isn't about how successful you are, it's about how much you enjoyed life." he nods and walks away.

I tuck the cherry blossom behind my ear and run towards him. He stops walking, but he doesn't turn around to look at me. He simply says, "I suppose you want to join Fairytail. It is much wiser to die with friends to support you rather than die alone."

I nod and he finally turns to look at me. He says,"Follow me and welcome to Fairytail."

He then heads off to Fairytail and I follow close behind.

Levy's POV

I was talking with Gajeel when Master announces, "Attention, Fairytail! We now have a new member! Welcome Juvia into our guild family!" he then scurries off to his office.

Juvia comes down the steps and I can see the guild mark on her thigh. I run up to her and ask,"So, you decided to finally join the guild?"

She shrugs and says,"Juvia could die at anytime so she decided to try to find happiness here in Fairytail."

I smile big, embrace her in a hug, and say, "I know you will find happiness here." Then I look over at Gray and leave her standing at the bottom of the steps.

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