Safe or not?

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Juvia's POV

I decide to help Gray out. I know he's looking for me with the others. How can I help them? I need to make noise, but not in here. I need to be closer to the stage. I stand up quietly and slowly sneak out of the room. Once I reach the next room, I start yelling,"Help, I'm in here!Gray?! Someone help! Anyone?!". I kept repeating that for what seemed an eternity. After awhile, I started crying. I doubt anyone could here me. This place was probably sound proof. Then a hand touched my shoulder and I screamed.

Gray's POV

I hear a scream and the sound seems to be coming from Juvia's dressing room. I run in, and look for any clues. I look under her clothes, in her wardrobe, all around her furniture, and I start to give up. I sit down on the chair in front of her vanity and sigh. Where could she be? I wonder what all those mystery shows would do. Sherlock would figure it out. Criminals seem to be so cliche. What would be the most cliche thing to do? Look behind the paintings and mirrors? Should I even try? Why not?
I stand up and start to take the paintings and pictures down. After I finish I look at the mirror. I walk towards the mirror, and take it down. Then a hallway appears. Wow, this criminal couldn't be original? I roll my eyes and start to walk down the hall.

Juvia's POV

I look at the person who grabbed my shoulder and it's an angry Lyon. He picks me up and throws me over his shoulder, and I start to hit and kick him. I start losing hope. Maybe Gray isn't coming for me. He probably doesn't even like me, it was just one blind date anyway. I hit Lyon really hard and he yells,"Stop trying you idiotic girl!"
"Juvia won't stop trying. Juvia will keep hitting and fighting until she succeeds. Juvia will be victorious!", I yell as tears start pouring down my cheeks. I use the remainder of my energy to kick him really hard, and he loses enough of his grip on me that I fall on the ground. I sit there for a second trying to get out of my daze, and I run the opposite direction of him. I run and run with little energy, and I hear Lyon yell out to me in the distance. My lungs start to burn, and my legs start giving out. I keep going until I run into something. Please tell me Lyon didn't find me.

I look up and see, Gray-sama? He looks at me surprised, and he lifts me to my feet, takes my hand, and we run. We don't say a word, all that can be heard is our footsteps and our heavy breathing. All I know is that I'm safe, for now.

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