The Date

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Gray's POV

I have a date with whoever Levy set me up with. It's 5:00 right now, so I start getting ready. I decide on a black button up and I fold the sleeves up to my elbows, and I wear black jeans, and black shoes. I walk downstairs and Levy squeals and says,"Grey, you look so handsome. Now you need to give her these flowers when you get to the park." I just noticed the bouquet of periwinkles she's holding and she hands them to me. She then starts to push me out of the front door. "Jeez, Levy can't you wait a bit?" I ask. She ignores me and pushes me outside. "Bye, Gray. Have fun!" she yells then I hear her lock the door. I start to walk towards the park with the bouquet in my hands. When I get there I'm fifteen minutes early because it wasn't supposed to start until seven.

Juvia's POV

I'm wearing a black dress and my blue hair is in a bun. I think I look presentable enough. I take one last look in the mirror and I leave for the park.
When I arrive, I only see an ice cream man, some kids playing soccer, an old lady, and a guy holding a bouquet of flowers. I guess that's my date. As I approach him, I see that he's the guy from the bakery, Gray. I get really nervous as I walk up to him.
Once I'm standing in front of him, he looks up. He stares at me for a few seconds and furrows his brows."You're the stupid girl who fell on me at the bakery." He looks at me all upset and sighs. "Are you supposed to be Juvia's date?" I ask timidly."Did Levy send you?" he asks me. "Yes, she did." I say. "I guess you are my date then. As much as I don't like you already, I have to go on this date with you or Gajeel and Levy will kill me, so take these flowers and let's head to the cafe." he says. I'm a bit upset at his words because I actually kind of like him. I take the flowers from him, and follow him into the cafe.

Gray's POV

I walk into the cafe very irritated that the girl who fell on me is my date. What's her name anyway? I sit down at a table with her and ask,"What is your name?"
She says, "Juvia. Juvia's name is Juvia." That's odd she talks in third person. It's kind of adorable. A server approaches us and asks, "What would you two like to drink?" I say,"A water with ice." Then Juvia says,"A water with no ice." The server walks off and Juvia looks at me and blushes. She's actually pretty now that I look at her. She has voluminous blue hair up in a bun and has beautiful blue eyes. "Uh Gray-sama? You're staring at Juvia." she says. Did she add sama to my name? She doesn't need to use honorifics with my name. "Just call me Gray." I say.
She nods and looks out the window. The server comes back with our drinks and asks," What would you like to order?" I say,"Your best sushi and shrimp."
Juvia says,"Juvia wants what Gray-sama ordered." The server nods and leaves. She said Gray-sama again. I guess there's no stopping her from calling me that. The server then comes back with our food and Juvia and I start to eat our food with chopsticks.
We have small talk and start playing some game called I-spy. It was a children's game, but it was surprisingly fun. I payed for dinner and walked Juvia to her house.
She smiled at me and gave me a big hug with the bouquet still in her hands. She kisses my cheek, and she asks me,"Gray-sama, will you come see my performance Friday night at nine?" I'd like to see her sing, so I say,"I will be there." She then smiles at me one last time and goes inside.
I walk off smiling. I'm actually surprised I had a great time.

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