The Phantom

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Juvia's POV

The phantom took off his mask and I gasp. I recognize him. He was an old childhood friend. His hair looks the same with it's white softness and his warm inviting eyes. It was my old best friend, Lyon Vastia.

Lyon's POV

I was shaking as I slowly took off my mask. What would she think of me? Would she remember me? I take it off completely and she gasps.
"Lyon?", she asks in a quiet voice."Juvia doesn't believe it's you." Then she does something unexpected. She hugs me and smiles with tears in her eyes.
I hug her back and say,"I can't believe you remember. "
"Juvia couldn't forget her best friend who took care of her when Juvia was bullied about being a gloomy rain woman.", she says.
We sit down on the side of the bed and she asks,"Do you remember when you would help me?"
"I do remember. I always loved being with you as a kid and we would play in the water and mud. There was that one day when you were pushed into the mud and I helped you up. That's when I said,"I will always be here to protect you. I will do anything for you Juvia." We were so close until I had to leave."
"We were practically inseparable. It was difficult for Juvia, but Lyon-sama made her happy. Then he left.Why did you come back to Paris, Lyon?", she asks.
"For you."

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