The Opera

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  Juvia's POV

  I wake up to the sun shining brightly from my window. Oh no!!! I need to  go to the opera house to meet up with the other singers in my production. I hurriedly put on my dress and rush out the door. As I get in my carriage, I start thinking about the guy from the bakery, Gray. It was love at first sight for me. I'd love to go see him at the bakery right now, but unfortunately I have to go to my production.
  When I arrive, it seems as if no one noticed I was late. Thank goodness...
Finally, I got to start learning some of the dances to do as I sang with the chorus. The dances were so easy, every movement flowed like water. I'm rather upset that I am just a chorus member, but eventually I might get a lead role.
Unfortunately, I might not ever get to be a lead because I have powers, and I can't let people know. Here in France people don't accept magic well and treat it as evil. If my secret was out, my career could be ruined.
  "Alright everybody, time for a break!" said Carlotta our choreographer. I walked back to my small dressing room and sat at my vanity. I started to take the ribbons out of my blue hair and sing. I was singing "Think of Me" and combing my hair. (AN-song in the video above) While I was still singing, I removed my dress and undergarments and put on a night dress. I didn't feel like going to my house because I'm really tired, so I'll be sleeping in my dressing room. As I came out from changing behind the screen, I saw a single blue rose laying on my vanity. I don't remember that being there before. As I approached my vanity, I saw a small note wrapped around the stem of the rose. The note said,"I am more than pleased that you are a part of the ensemble at my opera. I hope to get to know you more.
The note made me feel uneasy. I am hoping that the director sent that to me. Oh well, I'll ask in the morning. I lie down, and as I start to go to sleep, I see a shadow.
  I jolt up and look around. I don't see anything, so I lit a candle. I walk around cautiously and see the shadow again. "Uhhh, who goes there? Juvia wants to see your face, you coward!" I said. Then creepy laughter started.
"You can't see me unless I let you see me. Did you like your rose?" asked the ominous voice. "Uhh, Juvia liked the rose, but who are you?"I asked.
"That doesn't matter, but you my dear have the voice of an angel. Your voice should be heard by everybody." the voice said. "No, Juvia would rather be in the background. Juvia isn't very confident in her voice." I said. "Okay, well I can help you." the voice said. "How?" I asked. "By getting lessons from me, just think about my offer." the voice said. Before I could respond, a card appeared and it said, " Just sing that song again and I'll appear to teach you, but you can never tell a soul.
I sit down and try to get over the shock, but this mystery has just begun. The voice sounded familiar. I will figure out who's voice that is, even if it's the last thing I do.

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