Wedding Day part 3

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Gray's POV

I see Lyon and Juvia, but Juvia is so close to Lyon that I need perfect aim to not hit her with my ice spear. I throw my jacket off, and I take a deep breath to throw the spear. It whizzes from my hands and barely scrapes past Juvia. She looks at me with tears in her eyes and Lyon gives me a death glare.

We both stare for a moment or so and each second fuels my anger. I quckly glance at Juvia to see that he has her legs and feet frozen to the ground. I growl and lunge at Lyon. "Ice make: Tiger!" he says.
I quickly react and say,"Ice make: Sword!" Lyon smirks as his giant tiger comes toward me. It lunges and I stab it; shattering it into pieces. As I pick up my sword, another ice creature reaches me, and soon all sorts of ice animals are attacking me. How does he have so much magic energy? I twist and turn, elegantly shattering every creature that gets in the way of my one on one fight with Lyon. With each one destroyed, I get closer to my target. I'm upon him now and I punch him across the face.
"That's for taking my girl!"I say.

With each punch I say something else about the evil he has done. He pushes me to the ground and starts punching and kicking. I feel blood stream down my face.

My body has gotten physically exhausted but I will not give up.
I hear an explosive shattering sound and ice shoots everywhere.

Then a feminine voice shouts, "I'm tired of this, Lyon!" I tilt my head to see it's Juvia. And she wasn't speaking in third person. All of the sudden she's yelling all sorts of things at him and shooting him with water. I get off off the ground and stop to think.
She is a mage?

Then something hits me, literally. My head starts pounding and I see one of Lyon's animals just stabbed me with a spear; a giant gorilla. I was paying attention to Juvia and not my own personal fight. I try to use my magic but I start to see black spots in my vision. How much blood have I lost?

Come on, you need to be up and moving. I scan the area with the bit of vision I have left and see that there are still many ice creatures roaming.
I take take a deep breath and use the rest of my magic energy to make an enormous ice explosion erupting from within me to destroy the rest of the creatures.

I look over at Juvia who seems to be doing fairly well against Lyon; most of his magic energy is gone though. He's dodging her attacks but slowly. Her dress is in shreds, she looks like a mess.

I fall to my knees in pain and groan. I clutch my chest and I feel exhaustion take over. As I start to hit the ground, I look at Juvia and she gasps. She starts running towards me and that's when Lyon gains the advantage.

Never turn your back on your enemy.

She falls over in pain and it seems that he used up all of his magic energy to freeze her from the inside out.

I'm still on the ground but I force myself to crawl to her. I use the military crawling technique to get to her, but it's too late. She's completely frozen. In anger I hit the ground and look towards my ultimate enemy.

And I laugh at the condition to which I saw him. He was on the ground, out cold. Such weakness.

Although, I can't say much because I'm barely hanging in there. I can't even get on my knees. I can barely see see anything. Then, my vision is completely consumed with darkness.
My other senses weaken and my body goes numb. I'm completely limp but I hear shuffling and some voices. Great.

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