Fittings and flowers

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Gray's POV

I run up to Gajeel and Natsu's room and kick the door open. They both have invitations as well. They even invited Natsu?! Everyone is getting invited. Gajeel looks up at me with a puzzled look.
"So, you spent all that time to rescue her but she runs away and is getting married? That makes perfect sense.", Gajeel says.
"Will you shut up, Gajeel? No one likes your sarcasm. I think we have a party to go to. I'm getting all fired up!", Natsu says with a smirk.
"I can't believe you got invited. Why didn't I get invited? I can't believe Juvia is getting married. She obviously won't marry him, but why did he invite you guys if he knew you were my friends?", I ask.
As we stand there all puzzled, the door is thrown off the wall. Then there stands an angry redhead.
"Why are you all still standing there? We need to help Gray crash this wedding. We need to pack up and leave now if we want to be there by tomorrow morning. The wedding is tomorrow!", Erza says boldly.
We pick up a suitcase, then Gajeel, Natsu, and I throw random clothes in it. We then follow Erza downstairs and she gets the girls.
"The others will meet us at the train station. Let's head out, boys.", Erza says.
We walk to the train station because we had to give the girls time to pack.

Once we arrive, the girls are already there. I guess they packed sooner than we thought they would. "The train is boarding already, you guys better hurry up!", Lucy yells.
We get our tickets and rush into the train. I sit next to Erza and wait for the train to start moving. What if Juvia actually loves this guy? I barely even know her, why am I even stopping this wedding?! I mean we are friends, I guess. I've only known her for two weeks now. I don't want us to be like Romeo and Juliet. Wait?! Why am I comparing us to a tragic romance? Do I even like her that way? I mean she is really pretty, and I did go through all this trouble to save her.........

"Gray.", Erza says. I look up at her and notice I've been chewing my nails. "You were thinking out loud.", Natsu says and laughs.
"Gray, I honestly think that if you have gone through all this trouble, you at least like her as a friend. I'm not going to say anything else except that I think you two would be cute together.", Lucy says as she wiggles her eyebrows. I blush and look out of the window.

Do I really view her as more than a friend? I think back to her singing and how pretty she is. She's a nice person too, hmmmm. I blush just thinking about her. There is no denying it. I have a crush on Juvia, and I have a wedding to crash.

Juvia's POV

A bunch of women fill the hotel room as they start to fit me in my dress. It's a white, glittery ballgown. It's a pretty dress, but it's not really my style.
The dress only reminds me of tomorrow. I'm really nervous. Is this a mistake? I grit my teeth in frustration.
"Ms. Juvia, is something wrong?", one of the ladies fixing my dress asks. Before I can answer, a man comes in with different floral arrangements. He was an odd looking man with red hair and he had three guys holding even more floral arrangements.
He comes up to me and says,"I am the florist for your wedding. Lyon sent me and my boys to show you floral arrangements to choose from. All of our flowers are white with touches of blue to match your wedding's color scheme."
"Oh, Juvia doesn't really mind what floral arrangements are at the wedding. Um, how about you choose?", I ask.
He looks at me and says, "I can't choose for you, but I recommend this arrangement, the parfume is to die for.", he handed an arrangement made of white roses and hydrangea to me. I sniffed it and it does smell pretty. I give the arrangement back to him and say,"This will do perfect." He and his men bow and leave together with the various arrangements.
I am really nervous for tomorrow, I really don't have my heart into planning this. I don't think I can go through with this. I just don't think I can back out now. But what choice do I have?

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