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The day with Ed Sheeran

(A/N First titled chapter, maybe I will start doing titles for chapters in this serie too) 


It's few days from what I went back to school. The guys have a little break again and they went to see their families because they will probably don't see them about half a year.

Today is Saturday and I and Ed are going to do some music and have some fun. We were talking a lot on the tour. Most when the lads had concerts. And we are a pretty good friends. Not so much like I'm with the guys but pretty good. He's really funny like me. : )

And he's a good singer. I don't feel so shy in front of him like the guys. Just God knows why. And yeah. It'll be fun. And my first featured song. And my 2nd own song at all. I did just one before even I wrote about 20 songs.

The first one is called "Endless flight" it's about my mother and sister's death. What they meant for me and how the death affected me. It was really hard to sang it. But I released it. Tons of comments were saying that it helped them and that was amazing. Some people were hating me. But I didn't let them get under my skin.

I have still tons of hate comments. But I have a milions of another kind comments. Some people are saying I helped them or that I am amazing singer atc... And it feels amazing. See the good people in the world. Even there are a lots of haters.

Ed arrived 10 minutes ago. We were chating about the tour. The guys are okay so I am happy. I showed him some new songs what I wrote and he didn't saw yet. He said he is absolutely in love with it so it makes me happy. Then he showed me thge one his song what we're going to sing too. I thimks it's amazing song, much better than mine. But he doesn't believe.

We started recording mine song first. This one is called: "Dark Angeles". It's about kind of toxic relationships. And I wrote it about month ago. It's one of my first songs what I ever wrote. And I really like it.

It took about 4 hours to recorded it. I didn't expect that. But when I sang one part tears started streaming down my cheeks. Because it reminded me of the abusive boyfriend what I had. Most of the songs are about thinks what happend in my life.

It really helps me. And I can write and sing my heart out. So yeah I didn't expect that but on the end I did. Ed asked me what happened when the tears stopped a little. So I told him. His face dropped when I started to explain. Probably like the guys faces when I more like Alex said them.

I always thought that no one will ever care about me. But how I can see and how I heard a loads of time. Someone cares. And they don't know how thankful I am. Because I thought that I will die soon. Like really soon. About year ago. And how you know I was really close to it.

When we recorded that my song. We started the Ed's one. It's a sad song too. He wrote it for his friend what looses his girlfriend.

The boy is saying that he's so sorry that he left her died and she's keep telling him that it's not his fault. It's pretty complicated but like I said it's amazing. Ed is amazing songwriter he can show every feeling but in some way what I can't. And it's just masterpiece.

We sang the song and tears came to my and Ed's eyes. For me it was mixed of emotions and Ed... He always get to the music so much that I think it just came up. So with all the tears streaming our eyes we managed to record it all and it took 3 hours.

So it's time for lunch. Yeah he cane really early in the morning. I became vegeterian. Because after that not eating and not eating meat even before. It makes me feel sick. So yeah. But it can make you feel like you ate more than when you're eating meat.

I don't know it just ... I'm just vegeterian. End of the story. We made our way to one really good restaurant just about ten minutes walking from here. It's my favourite restaurant because they make really good vegetarian's meal. But normal too of course.

I'm having a veggie burger and Ed took some I don't know what. We had a really fun times and then head back to recording studio. We will do my second and our last song.

It's called "Inside". This is the happiest song today. It's about true friendship. What I have with the boys and with Matteo, Ellie, Jasper, Ed, 5SOS and some more people.


This is 1st part next part on Friday. Every song and his name is fictional. If is some song name similar with some existing song it's just coincidence. I hope you like it. And sorry if these chapters aren't so good. I have a little writing block. And sorry for late update I wasn't able to post it earlier. So yeah. I love y'all. Byee<333

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