1. I don't want the world to see me

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I was the one who was always there. Always in the background. Always helping in any way that I could. Whether it was to offer aid to the injured, help fight during battle or to offer a support system.

But no one ever noticed.

OK, so that's a little dramatic. It's not that no one noticed. More that because I preferred to stay in the background, so no one ever thought to notice.

Especially the Golden Trio. I bet you've heard of them. Of course you have. Unless you've been living under a rock in the wizarding community during the 90's, you know Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger.

Harry, survived a killing curse from Voldemort when he was just a baby. He was then hidden from the wizaeding world until he was 11 years old and was accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry where he spent the next 7 years, fighting with everything he had to finally rid the world of the evil that was Tom Riddle.

Everyone knew the story of how Harry, Ron and Hermione went on the run, hunting horcruxes before heading to Hogwarts to fight.

But what if I told you there were four in their little party. Not three?

It's the truth. I told you, no one noticed me.

My name is Addalie. Addalie Skylar Dumbledore. Yip Dumbledore. And no before you ask I wasn't some secret lovechild of Albus and Grindlewald. I was the granddaughter of Aberforth. My father Alexis and my mother Adrienne raised me until I was 10years old, when they died while at work. Aurors.

My grandfather, Aberforth, bless him did try to raise me with the help of my uncle Albus but I am sure he was glad when I got my letter to Hogwarts. I was quiet and awkward and didn't have much interest in the pub which was my grandfathers livlihood.

I made friends with one Harry Potter very quickly after arriving to Hogwarts. He was quiet like and like me was happy to simply blend into the background.

But he was Harry Potter and luck was never in his favour.

Hermione, I would sit with during every class and shared a dorm with her. And Ron, well I'm sure that he thought I was weird but he grew to accept me.

Probably because it was me that levitated the club from the troll in First Year that saved Hermione. I let him take the credit and between us both we never mentioned it again.

It was me who sent his Father's car into the Forbidden Forest to save Ron and Harry from the giant spiders. I was also the girl with Hermione when she was petrified. I figured out the monster was a Basalisk. But again I was happy for her to take the credit.

I helped Harry in third year, cast a patronus that saved him and Sirius Black. He doesn't know this of course as I never mentioned it.

I stole Gillyweed in 4th year for his trial and even brewed Liquid Luck for him during his trials so he wouldn't...you know...die. I tipped my uncle off that Moody was suspicious and had disappeared with Harry after the portkey came back.

I was the one who sent the order to London when the idiots ran off in to a trap set up by Lucius Malfoy to the Minsistry. I snuck into Umbridge's office and took the Floo to the Ministry that night to help fight. My uncle was not happy.

And I was there in the Astronomy Tower the night that Draco lowered his wand and Snape cast the curse that killed my uncle. I watched as the light left his eyes and he fell back off the tower to his death.

I went on the run with Harry, Ron and Hermione. I never wavered in my loyalty and I didn't abandon Harry, not once. Like the Trio, I was captured and taken to Malfoy Manor. Like Hermione, I was tortured and I have the 'Blood Traitor' carved into my arm to prove it.

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