Chapter 1

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Wanda and Vis were the perfect couple. High school sweethearts. Engaged in college and married after  graduation. After the twins were born, the passion they had felt for one another had started to fizzle out. Vision threw himself into his work. Was barely home to spend time with his beloved wife and sons.

Wanda was a stay at home mum. She was also working on her manuscript whenever she could. It was always a dream of hers. She wanted to write stories. Share her passion for literature with others.

But she soon became depressed when she was spending more and more time being a typical housewife. Cleaning and cooking and feeding. She was barely having time for herself.

Then the arguments soon started.

"Wanda I work hard every day to provide for this family." Vision spoke as he ran his hand through his hair.

"You are always working Vis. You're never here." She shot back. "You have missed so much of the twins already." She told him.

"I am trying to provide for this family Wanda." He told her. "I am putting food on the table. Clothes on our backs. A roof over our heads. All of these things don't come free."

"I know that Vision." She told him. She sighed as she looked at the man who once moved her entire world. "I just miss you Vis. I miss my husband. I miss our family days."

"I understand that Wanda. I truly do." He spoke softer than before. He still had an edgy tone to his words but Wanda just waved them off.

"Just go to work Vis. I'll get the twins from Pietro's." She told him as she turned away from him. He sighed before he left without saying I love you like he always used to. It has been a while since he would say it. She could feel her eyes stinging as she fought the tears to remain.

She done her usual cleaning and laundry before she decided to go to the store. As she locked her front door, she noticed a motorcycle at the house next door. She watched as Agatha approached her.

"Do you know who the new neighbour is?" She asked Wanda as they observed the house as if it would speak secrets to them.

"No. I didn't know we had one." Wanda told her honestly.

"Let's go say hello." Agatha said as she wrapped her arm around Wanda's and pulled her next door. Agatha knocked and they were met with a woman in black jeans and a grey tee with a red flannel tied around her waist.

"Can I help you ladies?" She asked as she looked between the two older ladies.

"I'm Agatha dear and this is Wanda." Agatha smiled as she held her hand out for her to shake. "We just wanted to welcome you to the neighbourhood.."

"Y/N." She introduced herself. "I am about to take a break from unpacking if you would like a coffee." She suggested as the two ladies waved her off.

"I can't today hun, I have a few errands to run and Wanda here has to pick up her two rugrats." Agatha told her with a chuckle. Wanda just stared at her rugged features. She eyed the tattoos that she had scattered on her body. She specifically admired the purple rose on her hand.

"That's too bad." She said with a smirk. Agatha bid her goodbye as Wanda remained on the spot. Y/N observed the brunette, clearing her throat breaking Wanda out of her thoughts. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah." Wanda whispered before giving a shy smile. "I uh I have to go. I'll uh I'll see you around Y/N." She stuttered before she walked quickly down the porch steps. Y/N smirked as she watched Wanda practically run to her place next door and get inside her car.

"I am definitely going to like it here." Y/N said as she locked her door. She walked over to her records and started to place them on the shelves they had built.

Wanda had no idea what had happened. She thought about Y/N a bit too much for only just meeting her. Maybe it's because Vision barely gives her the time of day. Pulling up outside of Pietro's, she let herself in. Her twin already ushering the twins to collect their things.

"So how are things with Vis?" He asked her quietly.

"Still the same." She shrugged. "I'm used to it now."

"You shouldn't be Wanda. You deserve more than how he is treating you." He told her. "Also, did you know that the school is getting a new basketball coach?"

"I didn't." Wanda told him. "Who is it?"

"I don't know. She's some out of towner. She used to coach for NYU." He told her.

"Then why down grade to middle school?" Wanda asked him as he just shrugged his head. "Oh, we have a new neighbour."

"Is she hot?" He asked her as Wanda just hit him on the head. "What?"

"You are with Monica you idiot." She scolded him before the twins came running down.

"Speaking of her, she is wanting to host a BBQ this weekend." He informed her as he helped her get the twins in the car. "Something about the weather is going to be nice and she's off of work. So you can bring the twins to. Maybe Vis?"

"I doubt he will come, but the twins and I will definitely be here." Wanda smiled at her twin before hugging him goodbye. Taking the twins home, get them ready for the start of the school year tomorrow.



The first chapter is here my awesome dudes. Please let me know what you think.

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