Chapter 23

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Billy followed his brother to his room, leaning on the door as Tommy lay, looking up at the ceiling. He soon took a seat after closing the door.

"Don't hate them." Billy told him.

"How can I not?" He questioned. "They cheated, mom cheated on dad. Ruining their marriage."

"Their marriage was already ruined." Billy told him. "Everyday you were at practice and I came home, I would find mom sat on the sofa or in the kitchen crying. I knew then that dad never really loved her. She was just convenient for him to have around. Someone to raise his kids, cook his food and clean the house." He took out a small manuscript from his back pocket. "I also found this. It was what mom had started when she was in college. She had dreams too. Dreams she wanted to pursue but he stomped on them. Put his own ambitions first."

"I didn't know." He whispered.

"When mom started to hang out with Y/N, it was the first time I had really seen her happy. Yeah we made her happy but Y/N made her happy the way dad should have made her happy." He told him.

"But that doesn't make it right Billy." Tommy told him.

"I know it doesn't but Y/N and mom love each other. They look at each other how Gram and Pop look at each other." Billy told them. "I'm not saying forgive them or make what they did ok, I am just asking you to cut them both some slack. Just don't shut mom out, she needs us as much as we need her." Tommy nodded as he took in Billy's words.

"He will come around Wanda." Agatha told her as she sat with Wanda in the living room. "He just needs time, his whole world was turned upside down the moment he saw his dad pull the trigger."

"I just, I hate that I did this to them." Wanda whispered. "They don't even know about the baby yet."

"It will all work out in the end Wanda." The two disappeared to the kitchen as Tommy snuck out of the front door. Making his way over to Y/N's, knocking softly and waiting a moment for Nat to answer.

"Tommy?" She questioned.

"Can I talk to Y/N?" He asked her as she just nodded, allowing him inside. "Coach, can we talk?"

"Of course." Y/N nodded, he moved to sit on the chair as Y/N gave him her full attention.

"Do you love my mom?" He asked her as she gave him a smile.

"I do." Y/N told him as she struggled to sit up. "I love her so much that it pains me when I am not with her."

"But why did you cheat?" He asked her. "I just, I want to understand it. I know my dad wasn't the greatest guy but he was my dad."

"I know Tommy." Y/N spoke softly. "I was against it all but then the moment we shared the first kiss, all of the fight against what I felt had gone. What I felt in that moment felt right, like it was meant to be. I am not proud of the infidelity, I am ashamed of it but it doesn't change my feelings for her and all I want is to do right by your mom and you boys."

"I guess I'm just." He tried to think of what he wanted to say.

"I know Tommy." She told him. "But I am not running away from her. I want to be with her but I am willing to wait until after she is divorced. If that would make you more comfortable."

"I can't ask you that, mom will hate me." He whispered as Y/N shook her head.

"She won't hate you." Y/N told him. "She will understand how you feel, that's the one thing she cares about the most, is how you and Billy are in this situation. And if my stepping back until everything is finalised then, I will do that for you."

"But." He tried again, Y/N shook her head as she saw the guilt in his eyes.

"If I can make this transition as comfortable as possible for you and Billy, I will do that ok." Y/N told him. "I will still message your mom, just to see how you all are but that would be all."

"Then you will come back?" He asked her with hopeful eyes.

"When the divorce is final, I will come home." She told him with a smile. He moved to hug her as he cried silent tears.

"I'm sorry." He whispered.

"Stop apologising for something you don't need to apologise for." Y/N told him. "Now go home, I'm sure your mom is worried." Y/N sighed as Nat walked into the room, feeling her eyes on her.

"Are you sure that is what you want to do?" She asked as Y/N sighed.

"It's just a small break." Y/N told her. "Just until everything is final."

"But the baby?" Nat questioned.

"I will be here for the baby and Wanda. Just not fully until the divorce is complete." Y/N told her. "This is the right thing to do for the twins and Wanda."

"But where will you go?" She asked her.

"I will go and stay with dad for a while." Y/N answered. "Everything will work out Nat."



What do you think will happen when Y/N talks to Wanda. Will it all blow up or will it run smoothly. Please let me know what you think

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