Chapter 20

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Waiting the whole 24 hours to see Y/N was painful, which Wanda had to leave, asking her brother to pick her up as she needed to talk to Tommy. Both Nat and Steve were understanding as the journey to Agatha's was quiet.

"So, what has been going on with you Wanda?" He asked her as he parked in front of Agatha's.

"I can't do this right now." Wanda told him as she went to leave.

"We are doing this now." He told her. "Vision has already been to our parents, told them about everything. Mom is heartbroke and dad is furious."

"He shot her." Wanda spat. "Twice. He almost killed someone and you three are acting like he is innocent in all of this."

"Don't make accusations that can ruin his life further." He sighed.

"I am not making this up!" Wanda yelled. "Tommy saw him. He watched him shoot her in the office. Hell, he tried to save her and he is blaming himself." Wanda opened the door. "So if you don't mind me, I have two sons in there who needs me." Pietro sighed as she slammed the door and headed inside Agatha's, seeing Tommy sat on the sofa watching one of his favourite shows.

"Billy's asleep in the guest room." Agatha told Wanda as she led her into the kitchen. "Tommy is scared."

"That's to be expected." Wanda whispered as she rested her head on the counter. "This whole thing has turned into one huge mess and I don't know what to do."

"How is Y/N?" Agatha questioned.

"She is critical but stable." Wanda told her. "No one is allowed to be in the room with her for 24hrs as she is at risk of infections."

"Maybe talk to him, alone." Agatha suggested. "Billy is asleep and I am more than happy to help you with them."

"Ok." Wanda nodded as she made three hot chocolates. Taking two and gesturing for Tommy to follow her out onto the porch. "Talk to me." She told him softly.

"I'm sorry." He whispered shakily. "I could have stopped him, I was stood outside before he pulled the trigger."

"No." Wanda shook her head. "Y/N would most likely say the same, don't you ever put yourself in harms way for anyone."

"But." He tried as Wanda shook her head no.

"I understand that you think you may be able to reason with your dad, but he chose to have a gun on school premises. That itself is illegal." Wanda told him. "And Y/N will be ok. She will make it."

"Are you sure?" He asked her. "Because it looked bad, like really really bad, especially when they started to do CPR before I was led outside."

"I know but the doctors at the hospital worked for hours to save her." Wands told him. "But we need to talk about the seriousness of the events."

"I can't mom." He sniffled.

"We have to Tommy. Your father had almost took a life, hell your's and Billy's lives were in danger too." Wanda told him. "You need to go to the police before it is too late."

"He's still my dad." He whispered as Wanda sighed.

"I know that baby but he can't go on unpunished." Wanda told him softly. "I am not saying do it right now, I just need you to think about it. The affects it can have on others from around the area. Your friends and their families."

Tommy just nodded before Wanda opened her arm for him to cuddle into her. She kissed his head as he cried softly. That night, Tommy started to have nightmares, even a bang would cause him to jump in fear, but Wanda and Billy were there for him. To make sure he knew he was safe.

Nat came the next morning as the twins were sleeping in their own beds. Thanking Wanda as she took the coffee gratefully. Nat was exhausted as she had barely slept, not wanting to leave the hospital in case there was any change in Y/N's state.

"Was there anything new?" She asked her as Nat shook her head.

"She is still the same." Nat sighed. "Steve is with her right now, I tried to get him to come home but he wouldn't leave her until he saw her."

"He's going to need some food." Wanda mumbled as she started to get some ingredients to prepare a meal. "Something home cooked should do it since we know it's practically prison food they serve in the cafeteria." She chuckled to herself which got Nat's attention as it soon turned into a fit of sobs.

"Wanda?" Nat approached her as Wanda shook her head no. "What's going on?"

"I'm so sorry." She whispered as Nat become more and more confused. "I'm so sorry."

"Tell me what's going on." Nat demanded as Wanda sighed.

"It was Vision." Wanda told her. "He pulled the trigger."

"How do you know this?" Nat questioned.

"Tommy." She whispered. "He saw the whole thing. He watched his father shoot someone. He saw how Vision wanted to kill someone else."

"He needs to go to the police." Nat stated.

"I am trying." Wanda whispered. "He is afraid."

"That's not good enough Wanda!" Nat told her. "My best friend is dying for all we know and we have a witness to put Vision behind bars."

"Vision is his father." Wanda reasoned. "He doesn't want to put his father behind bars."

"Wanda, Vision has been nothing but a dick to you, and you are carrying my best friend's baby." Nat told her sternly. "You need to tell him to do what's right, not just for Y/N, for the community. Vision is a loose cannon right now, who knows who else he is going to come after." With that Nat had left as Wanda broke down. Crying as she felt her whole life fall apart in that one moment.



Nat knows who did it!!
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