Chapter 9

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The next morning rolled around and Wanda made sure that a tired Tommy was stood near Y/N's car. Y/N smiled as she approached the teenager, handing him an isotonic water.

"Thanks." He mumbled as he got in the passenger side. Wanda watched as the two drove off.

"I'll be late home tonight dear." Vision told Wanda as he kissed her cheek.

"Bye." She said as she turned to prepare breakfast for herself and Billy. Making two to-go boxes for Tommy and Y/N.

"So, do you want to have a career in basketball?" She asked him as she drove to the school.

"Yeah." He nodded. "It's just something I have always been good at." He told her honestly.

"So it's not someone else's dream for you?" She asked him.

"No. It's all mine." He told her. "My Uncle Pietro took me to a game once and I was mesmerised by the game. It was like it called something within and I knew I wanted to be just like the guys on the court."

"You will get there Tommy." She told him. "I'm sure of it."

As the two met Bucky, who looked just as tired as the team, Y/N couldn't help but smirk.

"We are going to be running together everyday before school. If you miss one of these runs, you will be benched." Y/N told them. "Let's go. Bucky, you take the lead."

The team ran all around the town, with Bucky who was also just as reluctant with this idea. Y/N remained behind as to make sure that there were no stragglers.

"I can't." Kyle breathed out as he slowed right down.

"Yes you can." Y/N motivated him. "Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth." She told him as she slowed down with him. "Just slow down slightly. If you stop your movements, there will be a build up of lactic acid."

Kyle just nodded as Y/N jogged beside him. Keeping him motivated, changing his mind on her as a person.

Once they had all reached the school, the team and everyone broke off to the showers. Bucky even broke off to his car to sleep. As Y/N was changing her shirt, their was a knock on the door.

"Hey." Wanda spoke as she peaked her eyes in.

"Hi." Y/N smiled softly at her. She noticed the tupperware in her hands.

"I thought you might need some breakfast." She told her as she placed the tub on the desk. "I gave Tommy's to Billy to give to him."

"Thank you Wanda." Y/N smiled as Wanda approached her. Her hands rested on Y/N's stomach.

"I've missed you." She whispered as Y/N caressed her cheek.

"I've missed you too." She spoke tenderly as her eyes never left Wanda's. "Can I kiss you?" With that, Wanda leaned forward and capturing Y/N's lips in a needy kiss. Their tongues danced together as Y/N's hands squeezed Wanda's ass making her moan.

When the two pulled away, Y/N watched as Wanda savoured the moment before she opened her eyes, looking up into Y/N's eyes.

"I wish we could have more time." Wanda whispered as Y/N nodded.

"So, where's mom?" Tommy asked Billy as he dug into his pancakes.

"She took some breakfast to Y/N." He answered his twin.

"Why?" Tommy questioned.

"I think she is just trying to be nice." Billy shrugged although Tommy could see something else in his eyes.

"There's more." He told him as Billy nodded.

"I think mom likes your coach." Billy told him. "I noticed it when we went to the barbecue together."

"But what about dad?" Tommy questioned as Billy shrugged.

"Mom isn't happy with him." Billy told him matter of factly.

"But they're married." Tommy tried.

"And he is never home Tommy. He tried it for a few days and he's gotten bored." Billy told him. "Let mom at least have someone in her life who may actually treat her like she deserves."

"So let her cheat?" He questioned as Billy scoffed.

"No. I never said anything about cheating." He told him sternly. "Y/N is someone besides, Uncle Pietro, Monica and Agatha that mom can count on. Someone else for her to talk to. Besides, I think Y/N is in a relationship with that woman staying with her."

That revelation put Tommy's mind at ease, although Billy seemed to be the smart one of the two, he wasn't very bright when it came to adults. Especially when both of their parents were drifting further and further apart.

As the school day came to an end, Tommy decided to observe his mom when his dad came home. He wanted to see if what Billy had told him was true.

"Your dinner is in the oven." Wanda told him as she sat on the chair with her book as the twins played on their xbox.

"Thank you." Vision smiled slightly as he walked into the kitchen. Tommy noticed how Wanda didn't even look up at his dad. Her eyes never strained from her book. "Is that a new book dear?"

"Yes." Wanda answered as she placed the marker inside and stood up. "I'm going for a walk." She told them as she kissed the twins heads. "Make sure you clean your teeth." She reminded them before grabbing her coat and phone. She turned off her location and made her way to her brothers. Knocking lightly on his door.

"What happened?" Pietro asked as he opened the door.

"I need to talk to someone and you're the first person I thought of." She told him, he let her inside as the two went to the kitchen.

"What's going on Wanda?" He asked her.

"I uh I think my marriage is over." She told him.

"No Wanda." He shook his head.

"You know what our parent's thoughts are on divorce." He told her sternly.

"It's just that Vis and I, well I don't feel anything with him. There is no spark. Nothing." She told him. "We barely cuddle, we don't really have sex anymore, it's like we're roommates who have kids."

"Wanda, you have the twins to think of here." He told her. "Just try and make it work for their sake."

"I." She tried but shook her head, looking down in shame.

"You've slept with Y/N." He stated as she looked up in his eyes. She could see the disappointment as he also wore a sad smile. "Wanda, I warned you. There is your whole family to think of."

"I know Pietro, besides we only fooled around once and kissed." Wanda told him. "It's just that I can't get her off of my mind." She groaned as Pietro grabbed the whiskey and two glasses.

"I won't tell anyone but you have to promise me that this is over." He told her. "Please Wanda, think of the twins."

"They are all I ever think of." She told him. "They are the main thing that brings me happiness."

"Just stop this before it gets too deep." He told her as Wanda just nodded. The two downed their whiskey before Wanda made her way home.



Twin talks between both sets of twins. Please let me know what you think

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