Chapter 22

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"What's going on?!" Nat questioned as she approached Steve and Tony, Wanda on her heels.

"The machines started to go wild and they pushed us out." Steve told her. "They won't tell us a damn thing."

"It might be a malfunction." Tony tried to reason, mainly to try and ease his own mind.

"I don't think it would be." Steve stated. "They would have been done by now." He looked at his watch. "It's been over 30 minutes."

"She'll be fine." Wanda reassured them all as she paced the room. Soon a group of nurses left the room leaving the doctor alone with them all.

"Y/N is awake." They told them with a gentle smile.

"Can we see her?" Steve was the first to ask as they nodded.

"Just bare in mind, she will have a stutter for a while but that is to be expected." They informed them as the four thanked them before entering the room.

Steve was the first to approach her as he soon took her hand in his, tears in his eyes as a smile grew on his face.

"I thought I was going to lose you kid." He whispered as Y/N smiled.

"You'll never lose me dad." She told him, which only sent him over the edge as he sobbed, kissing the back of her hand. She turned to Nat who kissed her forehead with a teary smile before her eyes met Tony's.

"I needed to know you were ok." He told her softly. "I will leave but promise me you will be careful."

"I promise." Y/N nodded with a small smile.

"I'm just a call away if you ever need anything." He told her before bidding goodbye. Her eyes then landed on the woman she thought of before she lost conciousness.

"Can I have a moment with Wanda?" She asked the other two who just nodded with a small smile. Once they were alone, Wanda moved to kiss her softly, her tears falling as she felt the warmth of Y/N.

"I'm so sorry." Wanda whispered as Y/N shook her head no. "This is all my fault Y/N. I shouldn't have led you on. Let this happen."

"Do you love me?" Y/N asked her as she nodded tearfully.

"With all of me and more." She told her.

"I love you Wanda." She told her. "So fucking much."

"Tommy went to the police." Wanda informed her.

"How is he?" Y/N asked.

"He's coping." Wanda told her. "He started therapy and the police are searching for Vision."

"What about Billy?" Y/N asked.

"He is in therapy too. He is dealing with it better than Tommy but he never witnessed what Tommy did." Wanda told her.

"And the baby? How's the baby?" Y/N asked as Wanda was confused. "He told me before he shot me."

"I was trying to figure out how to tell you but I was scared." Wanda rambled. "I thought you would leave me and I don't think I could raise a baby without you."

"I wouldn't have ran." She told her. "I may be Tony Stark's daughter but I am not my father. After all, my dad did raise me right."

"He did." Wanda chuckled lightly. "I don't think we can stay here though." Wanda told her as Y/N gave her a smile.

"We can go anywhere." Y/N told her. "The five of us, we can also come back and visit family and friends, but we can build a new home. A home that's ours."

"I'd love that." Wanda whispered as she kissed Y/N softly once more. The two were ready to embark on this new life together. Wanda wanted to pursue her dream of becoming a novelist and with Y/N's support, she would be able to.

The only thing would be to find a place and talk with the twins. Which may be one of the hardest tasks she will have to do. When Y/N was released, Nat took it upon herself to be her caretaker.

"I can walk you know." Y/N told her as she stood behind an empty wheelchair.

"But you have literally had major surgery after dying, not once or twice. More times!" She told her. "So forgive me for making sure that my best friend doesn't rip her stitches."

"I can walk." Y/N told her.

"Get in the damn chair Y/N, or so help me god, I will force you." Nat snarled as Y/N only sighed in defeat. As Nat pushed her through the halls with a victory smile on her face.

"This is so humiliating." Y/N mumbled as Nat chuckled. Wanda was already at Y/N's with Agatha and the twins, making sure that everything was in order.

"Ok. The dinner is on the stove." Wanda stated.

"Movies and snacks are on the table." Billy smiled as Tommy watched out the window.

"Are you ok kid?" Agatha asked him. He just nodded with a small smile.

"Do you think she will forgive me?" He asked her.

"Why do you think that?" She asked him.

"Because I wasn't fast enough." He whispered.

"You don't need any forgiveness because you had done nothing wrong." Agatha told him. "In fact you may have actually been the one who saved her life, because if you weren't there, she would have bled out and died." He just nodded before she pulled him in for a hug.

"I can get out of the damn car!" They all heard Y/N's voice.

"Y/N." Nat started as she went to help as Y/N held her hand up.

"Don't you dare man handle me again. I had no say at the hospital because the damn nurses helped you win that fight but not here. Not now." Y/N told her as she slowly moved to get out of the car. "See. Woman of steel."

"Don't talk too soon." Nat mumbled as Y/N glared at her.

"I can walk alone Nat." Y/N told her as Nat moved closer to her.

"What if you fall?" She questioned.

"What if I push you over?" Y/N sneered. "You'll be able to hide in your little mushroom house."

The four just watched as Y/N and Nat took their time walking towards the house.

"They're like an old married couple." Agatha stated as Wanda nodded.

"At least let me help you up the stairs." Nat tried as Y/N scowled at her.

"Oh my, what is this here? It seems to be a hand rail." Y/N told her sarcastically as she grabbed it, using the aid to walk up the stairs to the door. Smiling as she saw the twins and Wanda with Agatha. "Hey."

"Y/N!" Billy beamed as he moved to hug her softly. Being mindful of her injuries.

"Hey bud." She smiled before she opened her arms for Tommy to hug her, which he did and soon broke down in her arms.

"I'm sorry." He whispered as she squeezed him tighter.

"You have nothing to apologise for." She told him as she pulled back to look at him. "In fact, I should apologise to you."

"Why?" Tommy questioned as she looked to Wanda who only nodded.

"It was because of me that your father shot me." She told him.

"Nothing that bad could have happened." Tommy tried as Y/N shook her head.

"I had been with your mom, in a way that only he should have been." Y/N told him. "And I didn't think of the consequences or the pain that would be caused within your family."

"You betrayed us all." He whispered as she sighed.

"And I am truly sorry." She told him as he wiped his eyes.

"I think I need to go." He told them as he walked towards his home. Y/N watched with a sad look in her eyes before she looked up to Wanda.

"I'm sorry." Was all Y/N said before kissing her head.



Y/N is alive and well my dudes. Please let me know what you think.

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