Chapter 2

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Wanda hated her everyday life. It was the same routine, just a different day. Only watching the new neighbour through the living room net curtains became a new part of her routine.

She didn't know what drew her to the younger woman. Maybe it was because she wanted to be neighbourly and give Y/N a warm welcome to the neighbourhood. Although she found herself observing her when Y/N wore different outfits. Her favourite so far was the tank top and grey sweats.

"Hey Wanda dear." Agatha greeted Wanda as she went to get her mail.

"Hey." Wanda replied as the two stood at Wanda's white picket fence. "How's Ralph?"

"Oh, he's being Ralph. Nothing unusual dear." Agatha waved her off. "What about the boys? I haven't really seen them around that much."

"Oh it's just that Tommy is now a part of the basketball team and Billy, well he just joined the mathletes too." Wanda told her proudly. The two conversed before Y/N caught their eye. The two watched as Y/N got on her motorcycle and drove off. To where, they don't know.

"You know if I wasn't so happily married, I would most definitely try it with her." Agatha giggled as Wanda just smirked and shook her head. The two went their seperate ways. Wanda went to do her usual routine of house work and preparing the meal for the evening.

That was until she had recieved a phone call from the school. Driving there as fast as she could and practically running through the halls towards the coach's office.

She was shocked to see Y/N stood pacing the office whilst Tommy sat in her desk chair. Holding a bloody rag to his nose.

"Miss Maximoff." Y/N greeted the woman before turning around to see her. "Wanda?"

"You're the new coach?" Wanda asked her shocked.

"I am." Y/N smiled at her. "I just want to inform you that Tommy here has been in a fight."

"What?" Wanda asked as she tilted her head, glaring at her son who shrunk in the chair. "You got into a fight?"

"They were saying mean things about Billy." Tommy defended. "We're all supposed to be on a team and they spoke hateful words about him."

"Tommy, violence is never the answer." Wanda told him.

"I managed to talk Principle Fury into giving him a weeks detention. He was going to be suspended but he also has a 3 game ban too." Y/N told her as she observed the mother before her. "Tommy, why don't you go back to class."

Tommy nodded before leaving the office as fast as he could. Knowing that he was indeed in trouble.

"I'm so sorry about him." Wanda said as she snapped out of her angered state. "I raised them both to be better."

"Is their father still in the picture?" Y/N asked her softly as she leaned against the desk. Facing Wanda who took a seat.

"Yes but barely." Wanda sighed as she ran her hands through her hair. "He is always at work and barely ever home. Never really sees the twins unless he finishes early or has a day off. Even then he isn't really there." Wanda looked at Y/N with a sad sigh. "What do I do?"

"I don't know Wanda but I do know one thing. I have seen both Tommy and Billy hard at work today and I can tell you, you have done amazing with those two boys." Y/N told her. "Sometimes a mother needs to hear that she is amazing and doing an amazing job."

"Thank you Y/N." Wanda whispered as she stood up. Wiping her hands on her jeans. "Maybe we could have a coffee sometime when your free." Wanda suggested as Y/N nodded.

"I would like that." Y/N said before grabbing a pen and writing down her number. "Here, give me a call if you need anything. Even if it is just someone to talk to." Wanda smiled before she bid Y/N goodbye.

Y/N watched as she walked out of sight. Looking her up and down before her eyes landed on the womans ass. She knew it was wrong to feel attracted to a married woman but who said that you can't look right.

Once Y/N had finished work, she was stopped in the hallway by Monica Rambeau.

"Hey Y/N." She smiled as Y/N stopped in her tracks. "We're having a barbecue this weekend. You know just a little get together. Everyone in the neighbourhood is invited."

"Yeah. Just let me know the time and when." Y/N smiled at her. "I'll definitely be there."

"Great. I'll see you tomorrow Y/N." Monica beamed as she left Y/N alone in the hall way. Y/N soon made it home in record time. Seeing a car there she never wanted to see. Letting herself inside to find the one and only Tony Stark sat on her sofa.

"You don't have many photos." He pointed out without looking at Y/N.

"I only have the ones that are important to me." Y/N told him bluntly.

"Am I not important to you?" He asked as he stood up, holding a picture. "And Steve is?"

"Steve raised me when you couldn't he assed." Y/N growled at him. "He is my dad. You're just the person who got my mum pregnant and left her to die."

"Y/N. I want to be in your life." He told her softly.

"I don't want to be in yours." Y/N said as she opened the front door. "Now leave my home and never come back. Or so help me god, I will shoot you."

Tony sighed before stepped passed her. Giving her one more sad look as she took a deep breath. Watching as he drove away.

Wanda saw everything, allowing the twins to head inside first before she walked over to Y/N.

"Hey, are you ok?" Wanda asked her tenderly. Y/N smiled at her. Already forgetting the horrible feeling Tony left.

"I am ok Wanda. Thank you." Y/N smiled at the woman before her. The two bid their goodbyes when she could hear Tommy complain about being hungry. Y/N smiled like an idiot as she watched Wanda disappear next door.

This tension that is building can either go one way or another. Which ever way it does go, someone will always end up hurt.



Here is the second chapter. Please let me know what you think.

Unlawful Desires (Wanda Maximoff x Fem GiP Reader)Where stories live. Discover now