Chapter 24

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Y/N couldn't sleep that night after talking with Tommy, so she decided to head over the driveway to the house next door. Ringing the bell and waiting for a tired and dishevelled Wanda to answer the door.

"What are you doing here?" She asked Y/N as she ushered her inside, helping her sit on the sofa.

"I couldn't sleep." Y/N told her honestly. "And I had a conversation earlier with Tommy."

"What?" She questioned.

"I don't know if he has signed the papers yet or even if the police have found him." Y/N told her. "But I know how this whole situation is affecting the boys."

"You mean Tommy." She snarled as Y/N gave her a sad look.

"Yes, Tommy." She answered. "But don't hate him for this ok."

"But the baby." Wanda tried.

"It's not forever Wanda." Y/N told her. "I am doing this purely out of respect for your family. I am still going to be there for the baby but you and I can't happen until the divorce is finalised." Y/N took a deep breath. "So, I am going to Westchester to my dad's, just until I have fully healed."

"Don't." Wanda told her as Y/N shook her head.

"I have to." Y/N told her. "For your family."

"I need you." Wanda told her.

"It's not permanent Wanda. I am not going to be seeing someone else." Y/N told her. "I love you Wanda and I want to be able to take you on dates, a date were we don't have to hide because you're married." Y/N sat forward as she took Wanda's hand. "I want to be able to look to having a future with you. Kids, obviously and marriage. I want to be able to call you my wife and doing this separation will work for us." Y/N wiped her tears away. "This isn't the end of us Wanda. It's the preface. It is called a preface isn't it. The start of the story but it isn't the first chapter."

"It is called the preface." Wanda chuckled as Y/N smiled at her.

"We will be together Wanda. At the right time." Y/N told her.

"But what about the scans and appointments?" Wanda asked.

"I will be there." Y/N told her. "I am not disappearing from your life completely. I will still text and call you, but I want to be able to be a couple without worrying that you are not truly mine."

"Ok." Wanda nodded.

"I just want to respect your boys Wanda. I owe them both that much and I want to earn their trust when they are ready to let me in." Y/N told her as Wanda nodded. "This doesn't change the way I feel for you."

"I love you so much." Wanda whispered as she leaned into Y/N.

"I love you more Wanda." Y/N kissed her one last time, holding onto each other for the last time in a while.

Y/N was true to her word, with the help of Nat packing a bag, Steve had come to pick her up. Wanda watched from the window as the car disappeared, smiling at Nat who just waved before heading back inside.

Wanda knew she had to tell the twins about the baby, and who's it is. So she decided to talk to them before they started on their dinner plans.

"I have something to tell you both." Wanda told them as she sat the two down on the sofa. "I know you know about Y/N and my relationship, but what I am telling you now is that I am pregnant." She took a deep breath. "With Y/N's child."

"How?" Billy questioned.

"Well, Y/N was born intersex." Wanda told them. "She was born with male reproductive parts but she still has the biology of a woman."

"I asked her to leave." Tommy whispered which the two looked at him. "You're having her baby and I asked her to leave."

"That's ok Tommy." Wanda told him. "We have sorted out a plan, she is coming to the appointments and the scans with me. She is just taking a step back from us until the divorce is finalised."

"But you two were happy?" Billy questioned as Wanda nodded.

"We were." She said. "But when this is all over, we can be together as a family. She wants to do everything right by you two because she knows that you boys are my first priority."

"So this is what you want?" Billy asked as Wanda took a deep breath.

"I never wanted to be apart from her but after she had explained her feelings about this, I saw it from other perspectives." Wanda explained. "I knew then that this was right, we're just simply growing as people and our future together is still set in stone. We just have to be patient."

"I'm sorry mom." Tommy spoke sadly. "This is my fault."

"No." She told him sternly. "This time apart will make us stronger, and I don't hate you Tommy. I could never hate you." He just hugged her as she kissed his head, holding him close as he cried.



Here you go guys. There will be a huge time skip coming soon and this book will end soon too :)

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