Chapter 12

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Wanda was excited to have a weekend away, Pietro and Monica had agreed to having the twins since Vision is still throwing himself into work.

"Do you have everything?" Agatha questioned as she looked over Wanda's shoulder in her bag. Snooping through her underwear. "We will have to make a stop before we reach the resort."

"Why?" Wanda questioned as Agatha smirked.

"You are not going to be having sex with Y/N while wearing these." She held up Wanda's old underwear. Lace was torn and the colour was faded.

"Agatha!" Wanda whisper shouted as Agatha smirked.

"You can't tell me that I am wrong." She stated as Wanda just shook her head, following her out into the car as the two started their journey. "Nat told me that they would meet us there, just text them when we're outside."

"How many rooms did they book?" Wanda questioned as Agatha smiled.

"Two." She stated as Wanda smiled, knowing that she would have Y/N for a whole weekend in a place were no one knows either of them. Even after they had stopped off at Victoria Secret, the rest of the journey flew by. The anticipation was settled inside of Wanda as she was more excited. The most excited she has been in her entire life.

"Hey!" Y/N smiled as Wanda got out of the car, taking her bags for her before leading the two up to their rooms. Nat and Agatha disappeared into their room giggling.

"She we request a different room?" Agatha questioned as Nat shrugged.

"I have no idea." Nat stated. "Luckily I have never been in the same building as Y/N when she has had sex."

"They could be loud and we will have to listen." Agatha winced as Nat thought.

"If that happens, we can just leave for a few hours and hope they will be done by the time we get back." Nat suggested as Agatha nodded before the two settled back down.

"It's nice here." Wanda whispered as she looked out of the window, completely aware of Y/N standing behind her, smiling when she wrapped her arms around her, feeling safe and happy. 

"It is." Y/N whispered as Wanda held her arms in place. An unfamiliar feeling setting in as she melt against Y/N. "And the most magical part is this." She turned Wanda around and kissed her softly, Wanda melted into her as she gripped at Y/N's top.

"I can't wait to do that more and more." She whispered as Y/N smiled. "I just wish Vision would go through with the damn divorce."

"You know, we don't have to do anything until the divorce is final." Y/N caressed her cheek, smiling at the smaller woman. "We can just use this weekend to get to know each other more. Put a pause on the more intimate and desirable activities."

"I think just being here with you is enough to be happy." Wanda smiled as she leaned up to kiss her once more.

"Let's explore." Y/N smiled as she dragged Wanda out of the room. Both Agatha and Nat coming out with teasing smirks on their faces. "Seriously?" Y/N smiled as she dragged Wanda along who blushed at their silent insinuations.

Y/N would hold Wanda's hand as they walked through the club gardens. Admiring the way Wanda would smile as she admired the different colours of the different flowers. Talking excitedly before Y/N would steal a kiss, making Wanda blush profusely.

As much as the two would rather rip each others clothes off, Y/N wanted to make sure that Wanda was comfortable with everything. Even as they joined the other two at the bar.

"Did you guys explore?" Y/N questioned as she ordered a drink for Wanda and herself.

"We did." Agatha smiled as she sipped her drink.

"We explored and found the bar." Nat slurred as she clinked glasses with Agatha.

"So we know the rooms." Agatha stated.

"The lobby." Nat recalled.

"And the bar." The two said in unison.

"I regret them ever meeting." Y/N whispered in Wanda's ear making her laugh. As a slow song had started to play, Y/N offered her hand to Wanda and led her to the near empty dancefloor. The two swayed softly to the music, just enjoying the simplicity of the moment.

"I think I am falling." Wanda whispered as she gazed in Y/N's eyes.

"I will catch you Wanda." Y/N sealed the vow with a kiss, neither realising the unwanted eyes on them.

That night was the night that Wanda knew what she wanted. After she had locked the door, she started to remove her clothes as Y/N smiled at her, gazing in her eyes. When Wanda was just in her underwear, she then helped Y/N remove her own clothes. Soon spending the night learning each others bodies. Neither realising the implications one fleeting moment can have on their lives.

"How did you get this scar?" Wanda asked as Y/N lay on their front, gazing at Wanda as her fingers traced the scar.

"It was an accident." She told her. "I was stupid. I had just gotten drafted and I was celebrating with my friends and it ended in a fight." Wanda listened to her speak. "I was pushed through the window and well I had a shard of glass stuck in my spine. Luckily it just missed the cord and with a lot of physio I was able to walk again but I couldn't play."

"Do you regret ever getting into that fight?" Wanda questioned as Y/N turned onto her side as shrugged.

"I did at the time. I really wanted to play pro but my friend meant more to me than any game ever did." Y/N intertwined their fingers as the covers only covered them from the waist down. "I just wish I could have saved them."

"So you moved here?" Wanda questioned.

"I actually got the coaching job at my old college and then I knew that I could still have the game. Just not how I envisioned it." She told her with a smile. "But getting the job at the school has been the best thing that has ever happened to me because I met you." Wanda kissed her again with fervor, soon straddling Y/N's lap as the covers had fallen from them as the kiss grew deeper with each passing second.

Vision sat at the dining table, his head in his hands as the picture was lit on his phone screen. Nothing but anger coursing through his veins. A hatred so strong brewing for the woman he called his wife and the new coach.



Oohh. Y/N and Wanda had sex.
Vision knows about them.
What do you think will happen next

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