Chapter 13

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Wanda woke the next morning, a smile on her face as she noticed Y/N's tender gaze already on her. Feeling more love in one look than she has ever felt in her entire marriage.

"Good morning beautiful." Y/N whispered as Wanda leaned up and kissed her.

"Good morning." Wanda replied as she soon straddled Y/N's lap.

"So all of last night wasn't enough?" Y/N smirked as Wanda bit her lip as she rolled her hips against Y/N's crotch. Breathing out as she felt Y/N's cock harden.

"Forever isn't enough time with you." Wanda told her before Y/N kissed her passionately. As soon as Wanda had teased Y/N enough to get her hard, she lowered herself down onto Y/N's length. The two moaning at the feeling before Wanda started to move her hips. Y/N kissing and sucking her neck as she fucked herself on Y/N's cock.

"You're so fucking sexy Wanda." Y/N husked as she nipped at Wanda's collarbone. Wanda's moans were like music flowing through her ears, like Y/N's favourite song. Meeting Wanda's thrusts as she thrust deep inside Wanda. Her face contorting in pleasure as she could feel herself getting closer to the edge. Cumming all over Y/N's shaft as Y/N continued her movements soon spraying her walls white.

"Fuck." Wanda whispered as she nuzzled her face into Y/N's neck as Y/N held her close.

"We have to check out soon." Y/N whispered as Wanda nodded.

"I don't want this weekend to end." Wanda whispered as Y/N caressed her face.

"We will be together." She told her. "One day soon, it will be you and I."

"You and I." Wanda repeated before kissing Y/N softly.

"Let's have a shower." Y/N told her with a smile. Once they had met both Agatha and Nat in the lobby, the two glared at Y/N and Wanda.

"We actually wanted sleep last night." Nat stated as Agatha threw the car keys at Wanda.

"I guess you will be driving today." She said as she put on her sunglasses and walked out with Nat. Both Wanda and Y/N shared a look and laughed before following them out.

"I will see you later." Y/N whispered as she kissed Wanda softly.

"Bye." Wanda spoke quietly with a small wave before she got in the car and started to drive.

"So, how was it?" Nat asked Y/N as she started to drive.

"It was amazing." Y/N admitted as she kept her eyes on the road ahead. "I'm falling for her Nat."

"Just be careful Y/N." Nat told her before earning a look of confusion from her best friend. "What I'm saying is that, I like Wanda. I do but the situation is messed up. She is married."

"Unhappily." Y/N stated as Nat chuckled.

"That doesn't change the fact that she is married." Nat told her. "I just don't want to see you hurt again."

"I know Nat." Y/N smiled at her before driving once the light had turned green.

Wanda had returned to an empty home. No note or message from Vision on his whereabouts. She only knew that the twins would be home later in the evening.

"No Vis?" Agatha questioned as Wanda shrugged.

"I have been used to it for the better part of our marriage." Wanda admitted. "I guess I've know for years that he and I were long over and we have just been prolonging the inevitable."

"Everything happens for a reason." Agatha told her honestly. Wanda decided to get started on cooking as the twins would be home in time for dinner. Once the twins had returned home, Wanda beamed as she hugged the two of them and then her twin.

"How was your weekend?" He questioned, his eyes looking over her neck for marks.

"Amazing." Wanda told him as the twins had disappeared upstairs.

"You did it." He whispered shamefully. "You slept with Y/N."

"What?" Wanda questioned as her heart pounded in her chest. He soon took out a photo and pushed it in front of Wanda.

"Vision showed up, wanting to talk and tell the twins he was going on a business trip." He informed her. "I suppose he knows about you and her and he is furious. I am furious Wanda, especially after I told you not to act on it."

"Piet, you wouldn't understand what it is like here." Wanda snapped. "I am at home everyday. Doing the same chores day in, day out. I am the modern 50's housewife. I have a degree for crying out loud and I am stuck here."

"You have children." He told her.

"So do you and Monica but she works at the school too." Wanda countered. "She isn't stuck at home all day."

"Wanda." He tried as Wanda shook her head.

"No. I didn't want to be stuck at home." Wanda told him. "Don't get me wrong, I love my boys so much but Vision. I hate him. I hate him so fucking much that my 14 year old son comes home to me crying on the sofa when I think he is going to wait for his brother to finish witg practice. It's those two boys who keep me from drowning Pietro."

"Wanda." He tried as she just shook her head taking a deep breath. Feeling good to get all of that off of her chest, not knowing that the boys had heard every word.

"I think you should leave." She told him shakily. "You can still come and visit us but I just need some time to cool off from this visit."

"Ok." Pietro nodded before he walked away, feeling bad for not realising his sister was drowning in sadness and an unhappy marriage. Feeling especially bad for telling her to suck it up.

Meanwhile Vision was visiting a friend of his, looking over his weapons collection. His eyes raking over a 45. Pistol.

"That is my favourite. The sound when it's fired is like music to my ears."

Vision thought of another sound that could be like music to his ears. The thought of Y/N drowning in her own blood.

"Can I borrow it?" He questioned. "You know, go to the range and shoot some."




Here you go guys. Hope you enjoyed the little smut at the beginning. Please let me know what you think.

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