Chapter 19

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Both Nat and Wanda paced the waiting room, Nat had also been on the phone to notify Steve about Y/N. Not realising that Tony had walked inside the waiting room, heading straight to the desk.

"Where's Y/N Y/L/N?" He questioned urgently.

"I'm sorry I cannot divulge that information." They told him.

"I'm her father." He yelled as they kept a firm gaze.

"I'm sorry, but I cannot tell you anything as of yet. She is in surgery and has been since she had arrived." They told him firmly. "So if you would please take a seat and when I have any news, I will come and tell you and her sister."

"Sister?" He questioned as he turned around to see Nat and Wanda. "What are you doing here?" He asked Nat as he approached the two.

"I am here for Y/N and I am not going anywhere.' Nat told him firmly.

"Did you tell him?" He asked as the door opened again.

"She did." Steve spoke as he approached both Nat and Wanda. "Hi." He hugged the two girls before turning to Tony.

"Why are you here?" Tony asked him.

"She is my daughter." Steve told him sternly. "You may be her sperm donor but I raised her. I was there when she needed a parent the most. You just discarded her because she never fit in your lifestyle."

"You know that's bullshit." Tony spat at him as Nat soon got between the two of them.

"Look, either take your pissing contest outside or sit down and be quiet!" Nat told the two. "My best friend is in surgery, who knows if she will make it and I will be damned if I allow you two to argue about who is her father or not." The two just nodded, Steve approached Wanda with a small smile before taking a seat beside her as Tony remained on the other side of the room.

"Do you know she has a sister?" Tony asked them. "Morgan, she is five."

"Why are you bringing this up now?" Steve questioned as Nat groaned.

"I just, I know I messed up and I am sorry." Tony started as he looked at Steve, no hatred or dislike in his gaze. "I just want to build a relationship with her, I don't want to take away all of the hard work you have done, I don't want to replace you but I just want to know my daughter. I want her to know she has family."

"She does have family." Steve stated. "But maybe you should apologise to her yourself."

"You're right." Tony whispered. "I have a lot to apologise for, abandoning her when she needed me the most. Missing all of her great achievements. Just missing everything really." Steve just nodded before the room went back to silence. Wanda sat with her head against the wall when her phone rang.

"Agatha, are the boys ok?" She asked as she answered the phone.

"As good as can be." She told her. "But Tommy is, well he is not Tommy. He keeps muttering about his dad and apologising to Y/N."

"He saw it." Wanda whispered, afraid someone would overhear her. "He saw everything."

"Did he talk to the police?" She asked as Wanda took a shaky breath. "He hasn't." She stated herself.

"He's afraid Agatha." Wanda told her. "Even after everything he saw, Vision is his dad."

"But that shouldn't change it." Agatha told her. "He deserves to be behind bars for what he has done."

"I'm not entirely innocent in all of this." Wanda told her.

"No. Don't you dare do that Wanda." Agatha told her. "You weren't being noticed by your husband, the one who was supposed to love you. So it isn't your fault you fell for Y/N."

"No." Wanda spoke shakily, taking in a sharp breath. "If I had stayed away from Y/N, none of this would have happened. None of this."

"Wanda, I haven't seen you as happy as you are with Y/N in years. Not since the boys were toddlers." Agatha told her honestly. "You fell out of love with Vision long before Y/N moved in, you just didn't realise it because you were raised to think that divorce is a sin."

"Thank you." Wanda whispered as she bid her goodbye to Agatha before heading back inside.

"How are the twins?" Nat asked as Wanda sat beside her.

"Shaken up but they will be fine." Wanda told her. "I just know that they are going to need therapy after this."

"Well, I will help you in anyway I can Wanda." Nat held her hand as Tony observed the two.

"So, you were sleeping with my kid." Tony stated as he pointed at Wanda.

"What?" She questioned as Tony chuckled.

"I can see where the ring used to be which tells me you two were having an affair." He chuckled as Steve and Nat glared at him.

"What does it have to do with you?" Wanda questioned as Tony straightened up.

"Y/N is my kid and if I find out that it was because of you that she got shot, I will make sure you lose everything." Tony sneered.

"That's enough!" Steve yelled as he stood up for Wanda. "You don't know everything here Tony."

"The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree." Tony sneered.

"Get out." Nat told him. "Don't you dare tarnish my best friend with your childish ways."

"She clearly is just like me." Tony told her.

"She is nothing like you." Nat told him as she stepped closer to him. "Y/N is someone who wouldn't leave when everything gets too much. She would work through it, hell she did work through it."

"When she lost her dreams for helping you." He raised his brow which got Wanda's attention.

"Just leave Tony. When we get any news we will call you." She told him firmly.

"You don't have my number." He stated.

"We'll find it." Wanda told him. "Or maybe we can just ask many of the women that roam the streets of New York."

Tony huffed before he left, glaring at the three of them. Wanda inhaled deeply before she sat down, soon joined by Nat.

"Thank you." Wanda spoke sincerely as she looked at Steve.

"It's nothing." He shrugged as he paced the room. "He just pisses me off so fucking bad." He told her as he groaned, making the two smile slightly. "And then saying all of that about Y/N, he doesn't even know her. He walked out of her life when she was 4 years old and I was left to raise her. Hell, raising her to be who she is, it's one of the best things that had ever happened to me and I wouldn't change anything that happened." He took a seat facing the two. "And now he wants to know her when the hard part is over. I just."

"He is vermin." Wanda told them.

"Family of Y/N." A doctor spoke as they entered the waiting room.

"That's us." Steve said as the three of them stood up.

"Y/N had lost a lot of blood, the two wounds where fatal but luckily we have managed to mend the lung and the other luckily just hit muscle." They informed them. "But they had flatlined a couple of times and the brain had been without oxygen for quite some time so we will only know when she wakes if there is any repercussions."

"But is she stable?" Nat questioned.

"Stable but critical." They told them. "She still isn't quite out of the woods so we will be keeping a close eye on her."

"Can we see her?" Wanda asked as the doctor shook their head.

"Not right now. The first 24hrs is extremely critical and we can't quite expose her to any infections as we had to open her up to repair the lung." They told them sadly.

"Thank you doctor." Steve thanked them as both Nat and Wanda sat down, once Nat started to sniffle, Wanda took her hand in her own as she fought back her own tears, wishing that she would wake and this would all be one bad dream.



Y/N is critical. Tony is a prick. Please let me know what you think?

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