Chapter 18

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The school corridors became a ghost town, bags and books were left on the floor as the doors to the classrooms were all locked. Billy sat at the back of his classroom as everyone waited for it to be clear. The fear was thick in the air.

"Coach." Tommy tried as he kept pressure on the wounds. "Come on!! WAKE UP!!!" He yelled as the tears started to fall. He feared for her life as she grew pale with every drop of blood she was losing. "Come on!!" He cried as he started to slowly lose hope as the seconds ticked by.

"So, you're going to tell her." Nat questioned after Wanda had called her over following the conversation with Vision.

"Yes." Wanda confirmed. "She deserves to have the choice if she wants to be in the baby's life."

"She will want to. Trust me." Nat told her with a smile. "Y/N may seem childish at times but when she is needed, she will be there in a heartbeat."

"Wanda!" Agatha knocked loudly on the door which caused the two to jump in fright.

"Agatha, what's wrong?" Wanda questioned as she opened the door.

"We need to go. Now!" She told her as she reached for her hand. Nat following as Wanda questioned her on why. "There has been a shooting at the school." Once Wanda heard those words, her whole world had stopped. Her mind reeling at all of the different possible scenarios. She followed Nat into Agatha's car as she drove towards the school.

Once they had arrived, the school was surrounded by police and news reporters. Before Agatha could even stop the car, Wanda was out and heading towards the group of parents who were all waiting to see their kids safe and sound.

"Is there any news?" Wanda asked Dottie who shook her head.

"They haven't really told us anything yet." Dottie informed her.

"They're clearing the school by department." Another parent stated, earning a look from the others. "I just overheard the officers."

"Oh god." Dottie gasped as they saw some of the kids come out. "Sarah!" She cried as she moved to her daughter, wrapping her arms around her as Nat and Agatha stood beside Wanda. Nat reached for Wanda's hand, hoping to give her some comfort.

"It will be ok." Nat tried to reassure her.

"Who are you trying to convince?" She questioned.

"Both of us." Nat told her. "I just." Nat squeezed her eyes closed as Wanda squeezed her hand harder.

"We will get through this." Wanda whispered. "We will get the twins and Y/N through this."

Billy was out next which made Wanda feel a little better seeing him unharmed, wrapping her arms around him tightly as she waited for Tommy. Billy heading towards the car with Agatha so he would be safe.

Tommy tried his hardest as Y/N went pale, her eyes remained closed as her arms went limp.

"Come on Coach!" He yelled as his tears fell, his hands and clothes full of blood as officers entered the room. He turned to face them. "She's been shot. Please help her." He told her as one spoke through the radio. Most of the kids were already gone as the officer moved Tommy.

He was led outside as everything seemed to be fuzzy, he felt like he was underwater as he soon walked out of the school.

"Oh my god." Wanda cried as she saw Tommy walk towards her. Her eyes instantly landed on the blood, a lot of blood as she wrapped her arms around him.

"Please don't be Y/N." Nat muttered as she watched paramedics run inside the school. "Please not Y/N."

"Are you ok? Are you hurt?" Wanda asked him as she cupped his face.

"It's not mine." He muttered as he looked away. "It's Y/N's." Wanda's heart dropped as she heard the name. "I tried. I tried to help her, but I wasn't good enough. She is going to die because I wasn't good enough."

"No." Wanda told him sternly. "She isn't going to die, and none of this is on you."

"It was dad." He whispered as she looked confused. "I saw it all. He shot her twice."

"Where is he now? Is he still inside the school?" She questioned as Tommy shook his head no.

"He left. As soon as he shot her, he left like it was nothing." He told her.

"You have to tell the police." Wanda told him.

"No!" He yelled as Wanda sighed. "I can't do that. He is still my dad."

"I know that baby." She spoke softly. "Let's just go home and wash up first." Wanda told him softly as he nodded, following Agatha to the car.

"Who's?" Agatha started as Tommy sat down.

"Y/N's." Wanda whispered.

"Stay with Nat, I'll sort the boys out." Agatha told her softly as Wanda smiled in thanks to her. When Wanda approached Nat, who was sobbing as they brought Y/N out. Seeing as one of the officers was on the gurney as they continued to move her to the ambulance.

"Y/N." Wanda whispered as both followed the paramedics.

"You can't go any further." The police officer told the two.

"That's my sister!" Nat yelled at him as he gave her a sad smile.

"I'm sorry but they need to work as fast as they can." He told them as the ambulance sped off. "They will be heading to Jacobs Med if you want a ride."

"Please." Wanda nodded as she led Nat towards the officer's patrol car. He sped after the ambulance with his lights on as both Nat and Wanda tried their best to keep their hopes up, hoping that Y/N would be ok.



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