Chapter 25

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The time apart was like hell for the two of them. Although Y/N had kept her promise of going with Wanda to the appointments, thankful for Steve to drop her off at Wanda's before the two drove together.

"You look good." Y/N told her with a small smile.

"Thank you." She whispered as her eyes never left the road. "How are you healing?"

"Good." Y/N told her. "Steve is just as bad as Nat, even though it's been weeks."

"They're just looking out for you Y/N." Wanda told her, glancing at her briefly. "They were scared. I had never really seen Nat cry and when she did, I knew that it wasn't going to be an easy road."

"Life isn't easy Wanda." Y/N told her honestly. "But it's worth all of the pain and hard work in the end."

"He has been caught." Wanda told her.

"I know." She nodded, remembering the call she had from Nat.

"Jennifer is taking the papers to him, getting him to sign them so she can get them processed and finalised." Wanda told her as she pulled into a parking space. "Then maybe we can work on us." She spoke with a hopeful glint.

"When you have proof that it is all finalised." Y/N told her. "Besides, I have found a house. It's a four bed, in Westchester."

"Four bed?" She questioned.

"Yeah, the twins can have their own space and the baby too." Y/N told her as the two exited the car. "And obviously we would have the master bedroom."

"You really want that?" Wanda asked as the two walked inside the hospital.

"I do." She nodded. "I want it all with you Wanda, and the boys are your family and I want to be a part of that family."

"You already are." She whispered before she gave her name in to the receptionist. The two spoke more about the future possiblities before they saw the baby, listened to the heartbeat, although she is only 12 weeks along, it is too soon to tell the gender just yet.

The news of Vision being arrested for shooting the Coach had soon travelled around the town fast. Wanda had noticed everyone had looked at her differently, some were with disgust, some were with pity, others fear. She hated it, she hated being the subject of everyone's gossip. So she had asked the twins about moving, which the two were ok with. So they slowly started to pack up their things.

Y/N had already put a down payment on the house, picked up the keys and was already moving furniture inside and decorating.

"You're supposed to be resting." Tony's voice echoed through the kitchen.

"I'm practically healed now." She told him as he hummed.

"So, is this your new home?" He asked her as she nodded.

"It's a rent to buy kind of deal." She told him as he hummed.

"Why not just let me buy it for you?" He asked her.

"I don't want your money Tony." She told him. "I just."

"Please." He asked her. "I have a fund for you." He told her as he pulled out a statement. "Once I had started to pull my head out of my ass, I opened an account for you. It's in your name and I started transferring between 10k to 20k a month. I guess I wasn't ready to be a father figure in your life but I wanted you to be set."

"I can't accept this." She told him as she handed him the statement back. "I never earned it."

"Call it the college fund you never got." He chuckled as she shook her head.

"I can't!" She yelled. "I don't know what I would do with it."

"I see you're expecting?" He questioned as he noticed the baby furniture in the box. "Put it away into a trust fund, use what you need to pay for your medical bills and whatever debts you have. Just please take it."

"It's 8 digits." She told him as he shrugged.

"It's nothing I won't miss." He told her. "Just take it and I won't bother you again." She sighed as he gave her a small smile. "I know I have a five year old, your sister Morgan. I guess she has been everything to me, but I can't help but hate myself because everything I am doing with her, I was too much of a dickhead to even give you a hug. I missed all of that so please just let me do this one thing for you."

"Ok." She sighed in defeat. "I just."

"I know." He smiled at her. "I don't want to push anything between us."

"Then what's this?" She gestured to the statement.

"Just making sure you are looked after." He shrugged before he turned around to leave. "Goodbye Y/N." She watched as the door closed, wiping away the tear she had escape her eye before she looked at the paper again. The account was in her name, Y/N Y/L/N stood out in bold black letters. He respected that she was never a Stark by paper, no one knew that she was the hidden Stark. All she knew was that she was becoming closer with Tony, little by little.



Tony's back guys. Please let me know what you think

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