Chapter 4

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Today was the day of the BBQ at Monica and Pietro's. They had invited a lot of people and it was extremely warm. Especially for fall weather.

"Are you coming with us Vis?" Wanda asked her husband who walked down the stairs in his shirt and trousers. His jacket slung over his arm as he held his briefcase.

"I have to head to the office dear." He informed her. "I have deadlines to meet and if I don't, my hours will be reduced." Sometimes Wanda would think that that would be a good thing. Especially since the twins barely see him anymore, and they are now teenagers. Which is harder.

"Ok." Wanda spoke without emotion. "I'll see you tonight or in the morning. Whichever suits you." She said as she took the cookies from the oven. Placing them on a plate to cool before placing them in a tupperware box.

"Darling. You know my job is important to me. To us." He tried as Wanda just pursed her lips. Biting her tongue.

"You don't want to be late." She told him, a fake smile on her lips. He sighed knowing that he had upset her once again as he got into his car and made his way into the city. "Boys!!" She called for the twins to get ready as she made their breakfasts.

"Hello dears." Agatha called out as she entered the Maximoff residence. Noticing Wanda's unsure posture as the twins ate their breakfasts. "Wanda? Are you ok?" She asked her quietly. Joining Wanda in the kitchen.

"I uh I am not sure what I am doing wrong." Wanda sighed as Agatha watched her shoulders slump. "He is barely ever here. The twins have also started to notice and." She rubs her eyebrow. "I just hate this life right now. Don't get me wrong. I love the twins with all of me but, I can't help but feel like I need more than this mediocre life."

"Wanda. You need a really really intense orgasm." Agatha told her making Wanda gasp before she burst out laughing. "I am being serious. Sometimes Ralph doesn't do it for me so I end up seeing to myself. I have some new toys if you need to borrow something."

"I think I am ok Agatha." Wanda calmed down. Thankful for her friend to cheer her up. "Thank you."

"What are friends for eh?" She smirked as she stole one of Tommy's pancakes. "I'll see you all at the BBQ." She said as Wanda walked her out to the door. Wanda's eyes soon found Y/N who was working on her motorcycle.

"Hey Y/N." Wanda greeted. Watching as Y/N turned to face her. Covered in sweat and grease. The sight before her being etched into her brain. Even more so when Y/N stood up and approached the fence separating their gardens.

"Hey. Good Morning Wanda. How are you?" Y/N asked her with the smile that makes Wanda weak at the knees. The constant reminder that she is married flying around her mind.

"I'm ok. What are you doing?" Wanda questioned her, pointing to Y/N's Harley.

"Well it's been making this grinding noise." Y/N started to explain to Wanda what she was doing but Wanda stopped processing her voice as she watched the way Y/N's mouth moved as she spoke. "Wanda, are you ok? You look warm." Y/N spoke concerned with Wanda's flushed face. Reaching up to check Wanda's temperature.

"No, I'm perfect." She breathed out. A shiver going through her as Y/N touched her skin. Wanting to feel more of her. "Are you still going to the BBQ?" Wanda asked her.

"I am. I promised Monica that I would go and get to know more of the neighbourhood." Y/N told her before leaning in to whisper. "But I have no idea what to bring. Beer. Wine or something."

"Bring a case of water." Wanda told her. "It's hot and there will be kids there and well, it is nice to keep hydrated." Wanda told her as she tried to steady her heart beat. Sure that Y/N will be the death of her.

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