Chapter 16

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As the week goes on, Wanda had the grocery shop to do. Getting the usual groceries, Vision was always on her mind since she didn't know what his plan was. Especially knowing he had never really done anything in halves.

Nat had also been spending more time with Wanda and the twins to help keep her mind off of it while Y/N was out on a mission of her own. Meeting with an old friend from college at one of their old hangouts in the city.

"What do I owe the pleasure?" Wade asked as he nursed his whiskey as Y/N sighed.

"I may be in some trouble." She told him honestly. "And I recall that you owe me one."

"Come on Y/N. That was years ago." He stated as Y/N shook her head.

"You still owe me one." She stated as she handed him a file.

"Who is this?" He questioned as he looked over the information Y/N had given him.

"That is the husband of the woman I have been seeing. He works at Stark Industries." She told him as he just smirked at her. "She wants a divorce and he doesn't want to give her that."

"So do you want me to you know?" He gestured with his hand to his throat as Y/N chuckled.

"We both know you can't take on a 5 year old girl." She laughed as Wade just shrugged. "I just need to know where he is, well when you find him, send the information to Jennifer."

"You know Walters and I don't get along." He stated as Y/N shrugged.

"I need this to work out fine Wade, Wanda deserves to be free of the man." With that Y/N left the bar as Wade just took in her simple instructions.

"How come Y/N has been extremely distant?" Wanda asked Nat as the two watched the twins play on the Xbox.

"I don't know." Nat answered truthfully. "Since you told her something she has been quiet and well, she is barely at home."

"Do you think she doesn't want me anymore?" Wanda whispered, doubt in her eyes as Nat shook her head as fast as she could before leading her into the kitchen.

"I haven't seen her look at someone the way she looks at you since Gwen and that was years ago." Nat told her. "Whatever Y/N is working on, she will confide in either of us when she is ready to. She knows she has the two of us and she knows we are here for her."

"I just." Wanda took a deep breath. "I don't want to lose what we have before it can begin. She is too important to me." All Nat could do was hug the fragile woman before they all soon heard a car door close. Wanda making her way to the door just as Y/N was about to knock.

"I didn't know if you guys had dinner or not." Y/N smiled as she held the pizzas and the bag of snacks in her hand.

"I'll take those." Nat grabbed the items from Y/N's grasp before pushing Wanda out of the house.

"Where were you?" Wanda asked as she crossed her arms across her chest.

"I met up with a friend." Y/N started. "He owes me from back in college and well, he is going to find Vision and let Jenni know."

"What?" Wanda questioned as Y/N nodded.

"I know that it may seem that I am getting involved when I shouldn't but I know you want your life back and I am doing everything in my power to help you with that Wanda." She told her as Wanda took a seat. "I know it's not my place to do any of this." Wanda just cut her off as she kissed her lips softly. Y/N's eyes widened as they were sat on her front porch.

"Thank you." Wanda whispered with a sheepish smile.

"You kissed me." Y/N whispered as Wanda chuckled. "On your porch." Wanda nodded as she kissed her again.

"Come on. We have food to eat." Wanda told her as she stood up, leaving behind a stunned Y/N as she joined Nat and the twins on the floor eating the pizza. Once Y/N had finally stood up, not realising that the car that had drove passed was a rental. Vision's grip on the wheel tightened the moment he watched Y/N walk inside the house with his family. The handgun was sat on the passenger seat as he glared at the house he called his home. The house he had paid for and started his family with the woman he thought was his forever.

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