Chapter 17

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Everything seemed to be normal as can be at the Maximoff household. Wanda watched as the twins had got on the bus before heading inside to do her chores. Not realising that Vision was indeed pulling up.

Wanda turned around quickly as she heard the door open and close, her heart beat increasing as she spotted Vision approaching her. A solemn look on his face as Wanda anticipated his movements.

"Do you seriously enjoy playing house with her?" He asked Wanda as she shook her head. "The moment I leave, she is always here."

"Are you watching me?" Wanda questioned as Vision shook his head.

"I thought that maybe, just maybe we could work through this rift between us but I." He shook his head with a laugh. "I saw her here, with you and our boys." He told her sternly as he towered over the woman. Wanda's whole being was shaking as he stood so close. Although in that moment she was afraid, not just for herself, also the life she carried within her.

"Please leave Vision." She whispered as he just observed her. "Please."

"You're pregnant." He stated as she looked away from him. "And it is hers."

"No." Wanda lied as she tried to move away towards her phone.

"Yes you are." Vision stated as he stepped back in defeat. "I have known you forever Wanda. I remember how you looked when you were pregnant with the twins because back then, we were happy."

"Please leave." She whispered as Vision pursed his lips. "Please, also sign those papers because I can't live like this Vis."

All Vision done was smile slightly before he retreated towards the door. His hand holding the door handle as he turned to face Wanda. A sad look in his eyes which hid the maliciousness behind them.

"I hope you are happy Wanda." With that he left, heading straight to his car with one destination in mind. Wanda took a deep breath as she messaged Nat and Agatha, needing her friends as she knew those two would come to her.

"What happened dear?" Agatha asked as soon as the two arrived. They listened as Wanda told them everything that had just happened moments prior.

"You're pregnant?!" Nat squealed as Wanda just tilted her head.

"Is that all you got from this conversation?" Agatha questioned her as Wanda looked between the two bickering. All the while, Vision was walking through the halls, making his way towards the Coach's office.

Y/N was just watching over previous plays the team had played the season as Vision let himself in, locking the door behind him.

"The school is off limits sir." Y/N turned to face him as she rose from her chair.

"I know." Vision looked in her eyes. "I just needed to get something off of my chest. You see, before you arrived, my life was good. Better than good even and you have done nothing but destroy my marriage."

"I understand that you must be hurting right now." Y/N spoke softly as Vision reached behind him as Y/N stepped closer with her hands raised. "But I can't help how I feel either."

"We are married!" He yelled as he pulled the gun from behind him. "You shouldn't have acted on those feelings and ruin someone else's relationship." Y/N's eyes remained on him as he waved the gun around frantically.

"I'm sorry Vision." She told him sincerely. "But if you put that down and walk away right now, you won't lose everything."

"Do you promise to move away and never contact my wife." He queried as Y/N sighed.

"I can't do that. My job is here and my home but I can put some distance between Wanda and I." She reasoned as he chuckled.

"You shouldn't make promises you can't keep." He stated. "Especially when she is pregnant with your kid."

"She's pregnant?" Y/N questioned as Vision laughed, an evil look in his eye as he pointed the gun back at her chest. Not realising that someone was looking through the window through the door.

"Yes and it is yours because Wanda and I haven't really had sex in months." He told her angrily. "So, not only did you ruin my life, you got my wife pregnant!"

"I'm sorry man." Y/N spoke as she stepped away slowly. "I just. I didn't mean for it to get out of hand like this."

"It's too late for apologies now." He sneered as he cocked the gun before shooting, not once but twice, before he left Y/N lay their in her own blood. Her heart beating fast as she tried to stop the bleeding. It wasn't until she saw the door open as the headmaster informed the school of a lockdown.

"Coach!" Tommy yelled as he knelt beside her. "Oh my god." He scrambled for the towels on the shelves before he applied pressure to her wounds. "You're going to be ok Coach. You're going to be ok." Tommy tried his hardest as Y/N tried to keep her eyes open.



Dun dun dunn

Vision is a bad guy.
Please let me know what you think guys

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