Chapter 10

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Wanda thought about Pietro's words over and over again, but she wasn't happy with her life. With Vision. They weren't who they used to be when the two of them had dreams and were young and in love. They have drifted apart over the years. Resentment has started to grow like a weed as Wanda played the stay at home housewife while Vision got to see more than just the same four walls.

So while the twins were at school, she went to visit someone who may have an impartial view on her situation. So she crossed over her driveway towards next door, knocking frantically before Natasha opened the door.

"Y/N's at work." Nat told her unsurely.

"I know, I need to talk to you." Wanda told her as Nat just nodded and opened the door for her. She led Wanda to the sofa as she watched how Wanda played with her fingers.

"Is everything ok Wanda?" Nat questioned as Wanda nodded with q tight lipped smile.

"I just need some advice." Wanda whispered as she tried to think of the right words to say. "You know what, never mind." She stood up as Nat followed suit.

"I can see you're conflicted Wanda. You need to figure everything out before you hurt yourself." Nat told her as Wanda nodded. She understood on some level that Nat knew what was going on. Well, she is Y/N's best friend after all. "I won't tell Y/N you stopped by."

"Thank you." Wanda smiled before she left the house. Heading straight to her own with thoughts reeling in her mind. Thinking of a time when everything was easy. She had dreams of becoming a teacher when she was younger. Hell, she even got her teaching degree too but she fell pregnant with the twins and had to put her life and dreams on hold to marry Vision because her parents thought that that was the right thing to do.

"Mom?" Billy spoke tenderly as he entered the living room. Taking a seat beside his mother. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah." Wanda spoke softly as Billy watched her carefully.

"I know you're unhappy mom." He stated. "I can tell because when you smile your eyes don't. Unless you're with Y/N."

"You and Tommy make me happy." Wanda told him softly.

"I know, but if someone else can make you happy the way dad should, you should be with them and not dad." Billy told her as she raised her brow at him. "I'm observant."

"You get that from your Uncle." Wanda chuckled as she wrapped her arm around him and hugged him close. "But if your father and I did divorce, we wouldn't be living together all of the time."

"But you would be happy mom." He reasoned. "Your happiness matters too." With that he kissed her cheek before heading upstairs as Wanda thought about what her teenage son had just said.

He made a lot of sense and she needs to concentrate on her own happiness and the twins instead of worrying about what all of their extended family would say.

So after she had finished cooking dinner, doing her usual routine in an evening as she waited for Vision to come home.

"Wanda, did you hear what I just said?" He questioned as Wanda turned to face him.

"I want a divorce." Wanda stated as Vision just laughed at her.

"On what grounds?" He asked her.

"I am unhappy. We haven't loved each other in sometime and yes. You tried a few weeks back and it lasted a few days." Wanda started. "I love the twins. Don't get me wrong with that but I wanted to be a teacher. Not just a stay at home mom."

"You are here because the twins need taking care of." He boomed as the twins listened. "Cooking for this family should your first priority. Not some childish dream you had when we were in college."

"It's not a childish dream Vis!" Wanda yelled. "I wanted to be a teacher. I still want to be a teacher but you demand to be weighted on hand and foot. It isn't the 50s anymore Vis!"

"You watch your tone with me." He sneered as Wanda just shook her head as she took a deep breath.

"I'm going out." She told him. She just walked passed him and out of the house. Leaving her phone and car.

She headed straight to the bar after hearing Agatha invite herself, Y/N and Nat. As soon as she entered, she made her way towards Y/N. Taking her hand and dragging her into the bathroom. Making sure that no one saw them and it was empty before locking it.

"Hey." Y/N started before Wanda pressed her lips on hers in a needy kiss. Y/N pulled away when she tasted the saltiness of Wanda's tears. "What's going on?"

"I." Wanda tried as she cried, allowing herself to get lost in the comfort of Y/N's embrace. "I asked for a divorce." She hiccupped. "And he won't give me one."

"Hey, it's your choice as much as it is his." Y/N told her. "Try again, be persistent about it. You have to think about your happiness above everyone elses too."

"Funny, Billy said the exact same thing to me earlier." Wanda chuckled.

"He is a smart kid." Y/N smiled at her. "He get's that from you."

"But Tommy will hate me." Wanda whispered.

"He will understand in time Wanda. You just need to do what's best for you." Y/N kissed her once more before holding her for as long as she needed. "Maybe we can go on a weekend away, you, me, Agatha and Nat."

"I'd like that." Wanda whispered.

"A spa weekend and maybe we can do something else." Y/N winked as Wanda chuckled. She hated that she had to hide her true feelings for Y/N, but it was something that had to be done until she was free of Vision.



They're going to have a weekend away.
And Vision is being a controlling asshole.
Please let me know what you think

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